
A simple Python based Endpoint automated to run on Kubernetes

Primary LanguageMakefile


This repository responsible for creating a REST-API which responds with different salutations for different customers. And the application is Containerized and deployed in a selected container orchestrator (Kubernetes)


1. Assumptions Made

2. Directory Hierarchy

3. Application Architecture and the Solution

4. Build Deploy and Run

5. Test API Endpoint

6. Future Improvements

7. Clean

๐Ÿ‘จโ€๐Ÿ’ป TLDR;

You can simply deploy the application on Kubernetes. (Make sure 4.1 Prerequisites are set)

make deploy

Once above command is executed, it performs the following actions

  1. Install the K3s
  2. Build a docker image
  3. Export the docker image to to K3s image repository
  4. Deploy the helm charts to the K3s Cluster

3 instances of the application will be deployed in 3 different namespaces for each customer

add the following entry to at /etc/hosts - IP of the LoadBalancer Service will be output by the above make deploy command. customer-a.parcellab.com customer-b.parcellab.com customer-c.parcellab.com

Then access each service with;

curl -kv http://customer-a.parcellab.com
curl -kv http://customer-b.parcellab.com
curl -kv http://customer-c.parcellab.com

You can Test the endpoint of each customer application with;

make test

โ“˜ For detailed explanations, refer the below sections.

๐Ÿค” Assumptions Made

As per the requirements, the application is deployed individually for each customer.

Therefore, the assumptions is to have an Application that is a very generic boilerplate and keep it DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) - i.e. for each customer, it only requires to adjust a very minimum set of configurations to make it more specific to the customer (to get the specific response they expect). By this, application and it's associated resources will be re-usable.

Therefore this solution is intended to deploy as a single-tenant solution.

๐Ÿ“‚ Directory Hierarchy

โ”œโ”€โ”€ Makefile
โ”œโ”€โ”€ README.md
โ”œโ”€โ”€ app
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ Dockerfile
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ __init__.py
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ main.py
โ”‚   โ”œโ”€โ”€ requirements.txt
โ”‚   โ””โ”€โ”€ test_main.py
โ”œโ”€โ”€ app-chart
   โ”œโ”€โ”€ customer-values/A.values.yaml
   โ”œโ”€โ”€ customer-values/B.values.yaml
   โ”œโ”€โ”€ customer-values/C.values.yaml
   โ”œโ”€โ”€ values.yaml
   โ”œโ”€โ”€ Chart.yaml
   โ””โ”€โ”€ templates
       โ”œโ”€โ”€ _helpers.tpl
       โ”œโ”€โ”€ deployment.yaml
       โ”œโ”€โ”€ ingress.yaml
       โ””โ”€โ”€ service.yaml
  • Makefile - Contains a set of rules (commands to build, run and deploy the application) to be executed.

  • app/ - Directory containaining the application logic and relavent resources associated with it.

    • main.py - Source code for running the python application containing the API End Point
    • test_main.py - A simple test suite to run the application written with fastapi test-client
    • requirements.txt - A list of all of a project's dependencies
    • Dockerfile - Contains instructions to build the Docker image
  • app-chart/ - This directory encompasses the Helm chart for deploying the REST API on Kubernetes.

Note: In here, we have made the helm chart DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). By this, it means, we are using the same helm chart for different customers. Values are dynamically assigned for each user. values.yaml has all the common variables while customer-specific values.yaml files conains customer-specific variables.

The differentaition happens at the *Values.yaml level. The more details about this can be read in the ๐Ÿ  Application Architecture and the Solution section

๐Ÿ  Application Architecture and the Solution

Architecture Diagram

The architecture consists of the following components:

  • A container-ready, python-based REST API written using FastAPI
  • A local Kubernetes cluster provisioned with K3S
  • A Helm Chart for Kubernetes manifests
  • An automated script (Makefile) for building and deploying applications

According to the 1. Assumptions Made above, I believe the best way to make things easy, conveninent and re-usable is to use a solution where it can be DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself). This means, making the logic more re-usable with the minimalistic efforts without re-inventing the wheel again and again for each customer. According to the assumption, each instance (in this context, it is a Pod) of the application is responsible for its respective response based on the customer. Therefore, the solution is as below:


Set an ENV variable containing the customer-related metadata (in this case, it is the Customer Name) and inject it into the application where the application logic will read this ENV variable and return the relavent response based on the value of the ENV variable set. Therefore the solution is to create a blue-print, re-use it with the minimal configuration changes (i.e. changing the ENV variable).

Advantage of this approach is;

  • The deployment team can deploy the same application (blue-print) many times, without changing the underlying application logic at all. And also this solution avoid ammending any query parameters to the URI and avoid any unncessary conditional checkings at the application logic to differentiate the customer.

To automate this process, a Helm chart is created with different Values.yaml files. Each Values.yaml file responsible for each customer-related metadata and importantly carrying the ENV variable value specific ONLY to that customer.

Since we have 3 different customers, each customer-specific values are stored as below.

  • customer-values/A.values.yaml - Customer A realated deployment variables
  • customer-values/B.values.yaml - Customer B realated deployment variables
  • customer-values/C.values.yaml - Customer C realated deployment variables
// customer-values/A.values.yaml
  customer: A
// customer-values/B.values.yaml
  customer: B
// customer-values/C.values.yaml
  customer: C   

Inside the app-chart/templates/deployment.yaml, a env variable is set with the key and value as below:

. . .
          - name: CUSTOMER_NAME
            value: {{ .Values.labels.customer }}
. . . 

The {{ .Values.labels.customer }} will be initialized by "A", "B" or "C" for each customer respectively.

And the application logic is written to grasp the value of CUSTOMER_NAME and return the appropriate response.

    CUSTOMER_NAME = os.environ

    . . .          

    greeting_messages = {
        'A': 'Hi!',
        'B': 'Dear Sir or Madam!',
        'C': 'Moin!'

    greeting = greeting_messages.get(CUSTOMER_NAME)

    if greeting:    
        return {'response' : greeting}

Here, a hash table is used to improve the application performance and time-complexity. (The response message can also be passed as an environment variable, which is much easier. But since I didn't have much time to change the application logic and the kubernetes manifests, I left the initial code base as it is. This can also be considered for ๐Ÿ”ฎ Future Improvements )

๐Ÿš€ Build Deploy and Run

4.1 Prerequisites

  • A Kubernetes Cluster - In this example a simple K3S cluster is used (and the commands hereby are based on the K3S tool)


make install-k3s

4.2 Run the API

4.2.1 Get the most out of Makefile

In this example, for automating the build and deployment process of this application, a Makefile is introduced. It is nothing but a file with set of tasks defined to be executed. Consider it as a simple pipeline to automate the manual tasks associated with building, running and deploying the application both locally and in kubernetes.

1. Run Locally

make run

This will run the REST API locally for the Customer A.

If you want to run it for Customer B or C, set a value for the CUSTOMER_NAME before running make run - (eg:- export CUSTOMER_NAME=B)

2. Build Image & Run

Since the application is a container-ready application, a Dockerfile is used to build the image. This is the most hassle-free solution to share your application and run it anywhere where the Docker is installed.

Build the Docker image

make build-app

Run the Docker container

make run-app

Access the applications

curl -kv
curl -kv
curl -kv
curl -kv

2. Deploy in Kubernetes

Before deploying the application in Kubernetes, make sure you have installed helm and k3s (and it is up and running) as mentioned in the Prerequsites section above.

And also since we are using local repository for storing the Docker image of our application, we need to import that image to the K3S's (This is useful for anyone who cannot get k3s server to work with the --docker flag). Image will be automatically exported from the local repository to the K3S repository with the make deploy command

Deploy the application for customer "A", "B", and "C"

make deploy

Check the deployed resources

k3s kubectl get po,svc,ing -n customer-a
k3s kubectl get po,svc,ing -n customer-b
k3s kubectl get po,svc,ing -n customer-c

By default K3S uses Traefik as the ingress-controller.

There are many other tools out there to satisfy the need of an ingress-controller, but to make things super clean, clear and easier, we are using the Traefik that comes by-default with K3S.

Traefik creates LoadBalancer type Service in the kube-system namepsace And since we are using different Ingress rules for each customer with custom-domains that doesn't exist, we have to map the custom-domains to Traefik's LoadBalancer Service if we need to access our deployments. To access;

Get the EXTERNAL-IP of the Traefik's LoadBalancer type Service

k3s kubectl get svc -n kube-system | grep traefik

traefik          LoadBalancer   80:32537/TCP,443:30694/TCP   5h8m

Edit the /etc/hosts

sudo vim /etc/hosts

Add the following entry. is the EXTERNAL-IP and DNS names are specific to customers and defined in the Ingress rules (eg: "- host: customer-a.parcellab.com") customer-a.parcellab.com customer-b.parcellab.com customer-c.parcellab.com

Once the entries are added, you can access the each customer application instance as below:

Access the Customer "A" application

curl -kv http://customer-a.parcellab.com

*   Trying
* Connected to customer-b.parcellab.com ( port 80 (#0)
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* Connection #0 to host customer-b.parcellab.com left intact


Access the Customer "B" application

curl -kv http://customer-b.parcellab.com

*   Trying
* Connected to customer-b.parcellab.com ( port 80 (#0)
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* Connection #0 to host customer-b.parcellab.com left intact

{"response":"Dear Sir or Madam!"}

Access the Customer "C" application

curl -kv http://customer-c.parcellab.com

*   Trying
* Connected to customer-b.parcellab.com ( port 80 (#0)
< HTTP/1.1 200 OK
* Connection #0 to host customer-b.parcellab.com left intact


As mentioned above, the response varies as per the customer

๐Ÿ“‘ Test API Endpoint

5.1 Locally

Having an automated testing solution to test the API endpoins helps engineers to fix any bugs faster, reduce testing cost amidst the deployment lifecycle, quicker relases and more.

To test this API endpoint (/), a small test case is provided. For this, framework's in-built FastApi-Test-Client is used.

Exeucte the test case

make test

Above command create 3 different instances (Docker containers, not Pods) of the application for each customer and test the endpoints of each customer. This can be Considered as pre-deployment testing.

Since we are adhering to the Sigle-Tenant approach, we are limited to only test the endpoint for 2 positive (status_code, response) and 1 negative case (invalid customer) Unlike in a multi-tenancy mode, we could write variety of test cases for different scenarios for different users

Note: You can also execute into the docker container and test the api endpoint like below:

// execute into the container
docker exec -it hello-app-A bash

// test

5.2 GitHub Actions

A GitHub workflow is setup to build, push and test the application and endpoints for different scneario. It also checks the Code Quality of the application with a Linter.

  1. Build the Docker Image
  2. Push the Docker Image to GitHub Container Registry
  3. Linter the code base for proper conventions

How can I trigger a GitHub Action? - For the Simplicity, GitHub action is set to trigger on every push. You can create an empty commit and push.

git commit --allow-empty -m "Empty-Commit-To-Trigger-Pipeline"
git push

๐Ÿ”ฎ Future Improvements

There are several areas that could be improved in the future:

  • Extend the application to Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown
  • Enhance the unit and integration test cases
  • Consider using a managed Kubernetes service such as EKS, AKS or GKE for ease of maintenance and scaling
  • Implement Continous Delivery pipeline using CI/CD tools such GitGub actions, Gitlab CI/CD or Jenkins
  • Explore the use of GitOps for managing the infrastructure and applications
  • Add monitoring and alerting for the entire architecture

๐Ÿงน Clean

To clean the resources you created, run;

make clean