
Projects, playgrounds, and notes made while following along with Apple's book "App Development With Swift".

Primary LanguageSwift

App Development With Swift

Projects, playgrounds, and notes made while following along with Apple's book App Development With Swift.

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Project Portfolio

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
1 - Getting Started Light: A minimalist flashlight app 🔦 Xcode, Interface Builder, and connecting outlets and actions between them ✅
2 - Intro to UIKit Hello: An app for introducing someone. Configuring views in Interface Builder :::: Customizing labels :::: Customizing image views 🚧
2 - Intro to UIKit Auto-Layout Calculator Using nested vertical and horizontal stack views to display a calculator that fits lays out cleanly across size classes ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
2 - Intro to UIKit Apple Pie: A hangman-style word guessing game Building a game interface with nested vertical and horizontal stack views :::: Responding to events and updating complex interfaces based on game state changes ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
3 - Navigation and Workflows Traffic Segues Using programmatic and Storyboard-based segues to construct multiple levels of view transitions :::: Reading segue identifiers :::: Different segue animations. ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
3 - Navigation and Workflows Login Using programmatic and Storyboard-based segues to orchestrate a login page flow. ✅
3 - Navigation and Workflows Rainbow Tabs Relating a TabBarController to child view controllers and customizing the tab bar button icon for each ✅
3 - Navigation and Workflows Life Cycle Debugging and viewing the lifecycle events of view controllers as they're called between two transitioning controllers ✅
3 - Navigation and Workflows Mythical Creature Personality Quiz View Controller Containment :::: Encapsulating views in nib :::: communicating game state across controllers and transitions :::: More fun with stack views, Auto Layout, and interface controls 😀 ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
3A - Building AR Apps with Xcode Surface Coater Detecting vertical and horizontal planes in the world :::: Overlaying different colored planes on differently aligned surfaces ✅
3A - Building AR Apps with Xcode AR Shots: Shooting hoops with AR Objects and tap detection Translating user taps into real-world positions :::: Placing 3D objects when discovered planes are selected :::: Adding physics to an AR scene :::: Positioning new objects relative to the camera's current position. ✅
3A - Building AR Apps with Xcode AR Image Finder: Designing a treasure hunt game based upon pre-loaded reference images Enabling image detection :::: Specifying which images to locate in the physical world :::: Responding to the discovery of an image :::: Performing simple animations with SceneKit objects ✅
3A - Building AR Apps with Xcode AR Drawing: Allow users to choose SceneKit shapes and models from menus and place them in their own scene. Creating nodes from primitive shape settings :::: Loading nodes from a directory of .scn files :::: Changing rendering logic according to user control settings :::: Removing previously added nodes to "Undo" actions ✅
4 - Tables and Persistence Emoji Dictionary Creating grouped table with data sources and static tables via Storyboards :::: Allowing add/edit/delete functionality in a grouped table ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
4 - Tables and Persistence Hotel Europa: An app for hotel staff to register guests. Building custom, intuitive, user-friendly forms to create new model objects and/or track important information. :::: Using custom protocols to pass data between view controllers. :::: How and when to use certain controls for collecting data. :::: Dynamically resizing table view cells. ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
5 - Leveraging the Web MusicWireframe: Wireframe of the Apple music app to implement button and player image animations. Animating as a response to user interaction ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
5 - Leveraging the Web ContestEntry: Animate based upon the current state of a form. Animating a text field — or seguing if it has text ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
5 - Leveraging the Web NASA Astronomy Photo of the Day: Displaying information from the NASA APOD API. Building out a networking layer for asynchronously loading data. :::: Transforming raw Data into models and using them in views. :::: Using loading spinners to provide network activity feedback to users ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
5 - Leveraging the Web iTunes Search API: Allow users to search the iTunes Search API for different media types and view their results in a table view. Using UISearchController and scopes for filtering requests. :::: Architecting networking logic :::: Debouncing search tasks to allow for continuous typing in a search bar. :::: Updating the size of the URL cache to temporarily save images. ✅

Unit Project Topics Covered Progress
5 - Leveraging the Web Restaurant Menu: An interactive menu for a restaurant that allows the customer to view a list of offerings, add items to an order, and submit the order to the restaurant. Modeling data returning by a server API :::: Architecting networking logic :::: Lazilly fetching images from URL information :::: Maintaining "cart" state in a state controller :::: Dependency-injecting state controllers :::: Communicating loading events using NotificationCenter :::: Saving and restoring application state across app loads ✅