
rake task to manage vendor assets with npm and bower

Primary LanguageRuby

rake vendor:install


Do you want to manage vendor assets with bower and npm nicely? There are couple of other gem out there. But this one is not even a gem. It's just simple rake task which you can drop in lib/tasks diretory. After that, install any bower or npm module you want to use. Edit vendor.json properly. Finally, rake vendor:install will put the javascripts and stylesheets in the vendor/assets for you nicely.



  "javascripts": {
    "Chart": "Chart.js/Chart.js",
    "humanize": "humanize-plus/public/src/humanize.js"
  "stylesheets": {
    "animate.css": "animate.css/animate.css"

rake vendor:install

Given that the bower_components and node_modules are installed properly, With the vendor.json above, running rake vendor:install will create this. It starts to search searches bower_components and node_modules directory starting from where the vendor.json located.

`-- assets
    |-- javascripts
    |   |-- Chart.js
    |   `-- humanize.js
    `-- stylesheets
        `-- animate.css


curl -LSso lib/tasks/vendor.rake \