This is a mini project on number plate detection and fine notification project using S3, Lambda, Rekognition, DynamoDB, and SNS for the number plate detection Steps :
Step 1: Create an S3 Bucket Log in to AWS Management Console. Navigate to S3 Service: Go to Services > Storage > S3. Create a Bucket: Click "Create bucket". Enter a unique bucket name (e.g., number-plate-images). Select a region. Keep the default settings for the rest of the options. Click "Create bucket". Step 2: Set Up DynamoDB Table Navigate to DynamoDB Service: Go to Services > Database > DynamoDB. Create a Table: Click "Create table". Table name: VehicleSpeedRecords. Primary key: LicensePlate (String). Click "Create". Step 3: Create SNS Topic Navigate to SNS Service: Go to Services > Application Integration > Simple Notification Service (SNS). Create a Topic: Click "Create topic". Topic name: notificationforfine. Click "Create topic". Create a Subscription: Click on the created topic. Click "Create subscription". Protocol: Email. Endpoint: Enter your email address. Click "Create subscription". Confirm the subscription via the email you receive. Step 4: Create a Lambda Function Navigate to Lambda Service: Go to Services > Compute > Lambda. Create a Function: Click "Create function". Function name: NumberPlateDetection. Runtime: Python 3.x. Click "Create function". Set Up Lambda Environment Variables: Go to the function page. Click on "Configuration" and then "Environment variables". Add the following variables: S3_BUCKET_NAME: Your S3 bucket name (e.g., number-plate-images). SNS_TOPIC_ARN: Your SNS topic ARN (found in the SNS topic details). Step 5: Add Permissions to the Lambda Function Add S3 Trigger: Go to the Lambda function page. Click "Add trigger". Select S3. Bucket: number-plate-images. Event type: All object create events. Click "Add". Update IAM Role: Go to the IAM service. Find the role created for your Lambda function. Attach the following policies: AmazonS3FullAccess AmazonRekognitionFullAccess AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess AmazonSNSFullAccess Step 6: Write and Deploy the Lambda Function Code Use the code in Lambda_function file Step 7: Test Your Setup Upload an Image to S3: Upload a test image containing a license plate to your S3 bucket. Check Logs and Notifications: Go to the CloudWatch service to see the logs for your Lambda function. Check your email for a notification if a license plate was detected.