
RDR3: A simple yet useful nativedb to code conversor with Liquid support

Primary LanguageC#


RDR3: A simple yet useful nativedb to code conversor with Liquid support


.NET 5 portable binaries are uploaded in the Release Folder.


You can find updated natives at https://github.com/alloc8or/rdr3-nativedb-data


This is CLI, you can use --help anytime to get argument help.



-i csharp.liquid -e .cs -o output -y -v

input template csharp.liquid, export with extension .cs, on folder output, without ask any prompt, in verbose mode.

It will lookup for the native.json on the folder, but you can use -n native_custom.json or --natives native_custom.json

Template file:

using System;

namespace Hotstar
    public enum NATIVE_{{ category }} : ulong
    { {% for native in natives %}
        {% if native.comment != "" %}
        /// <summary>
        /// {{ native.comment | replace: "\n", "\n        /// " }}
        {% for params in native.params %}
        /// > {{ params.type }} {{ params.name }}
        /// </summary>
        {% endif %}
        {{ native.name }} = {{ native.hash }},
    {% endfor %}

    public static class NATIVE_{{ category }}_EXTENSIONS
        public static void Call(this NATIVE_{{ category }} hash, params RDR2.Native.InputArgument[] arguments)
            RDR2.Native.Function.Call((ulong) hash, arguments);
        public static T Call<T>(this NATIVE_{{ category }} hash, params RDR2.Native.InputArgument[] arguments)
            return RDR2.Native.Function.Call<T>((ulong) hash, arguments);

The template system can output to any language or framework.

Output sample:

        /// <summary>
        /// STREAMING::REQUEST_MODELS_IN_ROOM(l_13BC, "V_FIB01_cur_elev");
        /// STREAMING::REQUEST_MODELS_IN_ROOM(l_13BC, "limbo");
        /// STREAMING::REQUEST_MODELS_IN_ROOM(l_13BB, "V_Office_gnd_lifts");
        /// STREAMING::REQUEST_MODELS_IN_ROOM(l_13BB, "limbo");
        /// STREAMING::REQUEST_MODELS_IN_ROOM(l_13BC, "v_fib01_jan_elev");
        /// STREAMING::REQUEST_MODELS_IN_ROOM(l_13BC, "limbo");
        /// > Interior interior
        /// > const char* roomName
        /// </summary>
        REQUEST_MODELS_IN_ROOM = 0x8A7A40100EDFEC58,
        /// <summary>
        /// Unloads model from memory
        /// > Hash model
        /// </summary>