
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/bonesi

Primary LanguageCApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


BoNeSi is a network traffic generator for different protocol types.
The attributes of the created packets and connections can be controlled by
several parameters like send rate or payload size or they are determined by chance.
It spoofs the source ip addresses even when generating tcp traffic. Therefor it
includes a simple tcp-stack to handle tcp connections in promiscuous mode.
For correct work, one has to ensure that the response packets are routed to the
host at which BoNeSi is running. Therefore BoNeSi cannot used in arbitrary
network infrastructures.
The most advanced kind of traffic that can be generated are http requests.

In order to make the http requests more realistic, several things are determined
by chance:
- source port
- ttl: 3..255
- tcp options: out of seven different real life options
               with different lengths and probabilities
- user agent for http header: out of a by file given list
                              (an example file is included, see below)

Copyright 2006-2007 Deutsches Forschungszentrum fuer Kuenstliche Intelligenz
This is free software. Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0.
There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.


:~$ ./configure
:~$ make
:~$ make install


:~$ bonesi [OPTION...] <dst_ip:port>


  -i, --ips=FILENAME               filename with ip list
  -p, --protocol=PROTO             udp (default), icmp or tcp
  -r, --send_rate=NUM              packets per second, 0 = infinite (default)
  -s, --payload_size=SIZE          size of the paylod, (default: 32)
  -o, --stats_file=FILENAME        filename for the statistics, (default: 'stats')
  -c, --max_packets=NUM            maximum number of packets (requests at tcp/http), 0 = infinite (default)
      --integer                    IPs are integers in host byte order instead of in dotted notation
  -t, --max_bots=NUM               determine max_bots in the 24bit prefix randomly (1-256)
  -u, --url=URL                    the url (default: '/') (only for tcp/http)
  -l, --url_list=FILENAME          filename with url list (only for tcp/http)
  -b, --useragent_list=FILENAME    filename with useragent list (only for tcp/http)
  -d, --device=DEVICE              network listening device (only for tcp/http, e.g. eth1)
  -m, --mtu=NUM                    set MTU, (default 1500). Currently only when using TCP.
  -f, --frag=NUM                   set fragmentation mode (0=IP, 1=TCP, default: 0). Currently only when using TCP.
  -v, --verbose                    print additional debug messages
  -h, --help                       print help message and exit

Additionally Included Example Files:

    50,000 ip addresses generated randomly to use with --ips option
    several browser identifications to use with --useragentlist option
	several urls to use with --urllist option