
JavaScript Asynchronous Callback Manager

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


###Simple Asynchronous Callback Manager

####Include : Import a callback manager.

var CallbackManager = require("callbackmanager");

####Instantiate : Create an instance with the final complete callback

//NOTE: instantiating is also considered an asynchronous callback. Must call cm.done(); after registering all other callbacks.
//The first argument is "completeCallback" function. It is executed once all registered callbacks are executed. The first parameter passed to this function is the error parameter passed to cm.done(err) function.
//The last argument is optional "continueOnError" flag. Set this true if you want all registered callbacks to be executed before calling the complete callback even if error occurs. Note that the error parameter passed to the complete callback is going to be the last error occured.

var cm = new CallbackManager(function(err) {
	console.log("all done!")

####Register - Simple

setTimeout(cm.register(), 100);

####Register - Complex : Wait for a callback then notify the manager that it is done

setTimeout(function() {
	//do another async work
	setTimeout(function() {
	}, 100);
}, 100);

####Handle error : Pass the error from an async callback to the complete callback cm.wait(); setTimeout(function() { cm.done(new Error("uh oh!")); }, 200);

####Abort : Abort the manager process so that the final callback doesn't get executed


####Finalize : Notify manager that the async callback registeration is done
