Welcome to M-Library

As your personal librarian, let me walk you down the project.

Getting Started

Understanding the Project

M-Library is a java project which is an offshoot of my java learning.

This project is aimed at achieving certain things which a library should be able to do.

[!NOTE] This is not a complete project, nor is it a project I might complete.

[!IMPORTANT] This is for learning purposes.

[!WARNING] Have fun.

Project Folder Structure

├── src
│   ├── main
│   │   └── java
│   │       └── m.library
│   │           └── enums
│                  └── BookStatus.java
│                  └── Gender.java
│                  └── MemberType.java
│   │           └── exceptions
│                  └── BookException.java
│                  └── ExceptionStrings.java
│   │           └── functions
│                  └── Commons.java
│                  └── EnumConverter.java
│                  └── MemberComparator.java
│   │           └── models
│                  └── Book.java
│                  └── Librarian.java
│                  └── Library.java
│                  └── Member.java
│                  └── Student.java
│                  └── Teacher.java
│   │           └── services
│                  └── implementations
│                      └── LibrarianImplementation.java
│                      └── MemberImplementation.java
│                  └── interfaces
│                      └── LibrarianService.java
│                      └── MemberService.java
│   │           └── ui (For descriptive purposes)
│                  └── Runner.java
│                  └── RunnerCheckers.java
│                  └── RunnerInitializers.java
│   │           └── main.java
│   └── test
│       └── java
│           └── m.library.services.implementations
│               └── LibrarianImplementationTest.java
│               └── MemberImplementationTest.java
├── build/
├── pom.xml
├── README.md

Project Requirements

Problem Description

A book library where a student, teacher borrow books. When the copy of the book is no longer in the library. The library should return book taken. They can be multiple copies of the same book in the library.

Implementation 1: FIFO with Priority

The books are given by the Librarian on a first-come-first-serve basis, however, when a teacher is requesting for the same book a student is asking for, the teacher comes first, When a junior student is asking for the same book a senior student is asking for, the senior student comes first.

Implementation 2: FIFO

The books are given by the Librarian on a first-come-first-serve basis, whether you are a teacher, a junior or a senior student.

Project Models And Methods

To implement the book library in Java, these models will be used:

MLibrary (Models)
+-- Book
+-- Member
    +-- Student
    +-- Teacher
    +-- Librarian
+-- Library

MLibrary (Methods)
+-- checkoutBook()
+-- checkoutBook()
+-- searchBookByTitleAndAuthor()
+-- addCollectedBookToRegister()
+-- updateLibraryData()
+-- requestForBook()
+-- returnBook()
  • A Book can be borrowed by multiple Students or Teachers.
  • A Student or Teacher can borrow multiple Books.
  • A Librarian manages the Library and its collection of Books.

Project Implementation

Implementation 1: FIFO with Priority

public Member checkoutBook(PriorityQueue<Member> priorityQueue, Book book) throws BookException{
    if (book.isAvailable()) {
    // Check out the book to the member at the front of the queue
    Member prioritizedMember = priorityQueue.poll();
    updateLibraryData(prioritizedMember, book, false);
    return prioritizedMember;
    throw new BookException(ExceptionStrings.BOOK_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE);

Implementation 2: FIFO

public Member checkoutBook(PriorityQueue<Member> priorityQueue, Book book) throws BookException{
    Book bookFound = searchBookByTitleAndAuthor(book);
    if (bookFound.isAvailable()) {
    // Check out the book to the member at the front of the queue
    Member memberAtFrontOfQueue = queue.poll();
    updateLibraryData(memberAtFrontOfQueue, book, false);
    return memberAtFrontOfQueue;
    throw new BookException(ExceptionStrings.BOOK_IS_NOT_AVAILABLE);

Project Testing

void shouldGiveBookToMemberByPriority() {
    List<Book> books = new ArrayList<>();

    try {
        assertEquals(teacher, librarianImplementation.checkoutBook(
    } catch (BookException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

void throwBookNotAvailableExceptionWhileInPriority() {
    assertThrows(BookException.class, () -> {

void shouldGiveBookToFirstPersonInTheQueue() {
    List<Book> books = new ArrayList<>();

    try {
        assertEquals(member, librarianImplementation.checkoutBook(
    } catch (BookException e) {
        throw new RuntimeException(e);

void throwBookNotAvailableException() {
    assertThrows(BookException.class, () -> {


**My GitHub repo for this assignment can be found here.