
Algorithm based on Yolo v5 and Deep Sort to detect the front vehicles' distance and relative velocity

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Algorithm based on Yolo v5 and Deep Sort to detect surrounding vehicles' distance and relative velocity

Improved from Monocular_Distance_Detect

The Video Demo

HD Video can be found Here


  • vs2019 CUDA cuDNN: Make sure the version fit the requirement of your hardwares
  • Anaconda(Recommend) Python>=3.8
  • Pytorch: Check the version (MUST be GPU instead of CPU) of packages provided by conda before install
  • pip install -r requirement.txt: install libraries before run the track.py script

Note: GPU NVIDIA 3060 and above should use pytorch>=1.11

Weights / Checkpoints

  • Yolo_path: ./Monocular_Distance_Velocity_Detect/
  • deep sort: C:\Users\Your_Computer_Name\.cache\torch\checkpoints\

if the program doesn't download the deep sort checkponts automatically, copy the files in /checkpoints to the correct path manually.


python track.py --source YOUR_PATH\demo.mp4 --yolo_model yolov5m.pt --deep_sort_model osnet_x1_0_imagenet --show-vid --save-vid --save-csv

Note: yolov5m.pt & osnet_x1_0_imagenet could be selected by yourself.

Batch Run

if there are many videos under the same folder, modify and execute run.py

python run.py


Output Path: ./runs/track/

Important Parameters in track.py

Video/Image Resolution

#Line 58
#Your video/image resolution/size
W = 1280
H = 720

Vertical Height

#vertical height(m) from camera to the ground/road
H = 0.4


#The angle between the camera len and the horizontal line(the moving direction of vehicle), default is 0
#相机与水平线夹角, 默认为0 相机镜头正对前方,无倾斜
angle_a = 0

Detection Classes

In track.py, we only detect the ['person', 'car', 'truck', 'bicycle', 'motorcycle', 'bus'], follow this and modified the code(line 301, 325) to add more.

Output Path (saved file)

#please update the path before running the track.py script
if save_csv:
  df = pd.DataFrame(storage)