
Property Pro Lite is a platform where people can create and/or search properties for sale or rent. 

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Build Status Coverage Status codecov Test Coverage Maintainability Codacy Badge codebeat badge Code style: airbnb GitHub

This is a platform where people can create and/or search properties for sale or rent.

Required features

  • Users can sign up and sign in.
  • Users can post a property advert.
  • Users can update the details of a property advert.
  • Users can get(view) a single/all property adverts. 
  • Users can delete a property advert.
  • Users can mark a property advert as sold.
  • Users can get specific types of a property.
  • Admin can change the status of a record to either after record reviews.

Other Features(optional)

  • Users can reset password.
  • Users can flag a posted property AD as fraudulent.
  • A Google Map with Marker is displayed showing the location.

The tools/dependencies used in the creation of this project

  • Node.js & Express.
  • Eslint - to follow the AirBnB style guide,
  • Mocha, Chai, Istanbul & NYC for testing.
  • Babel - To transpire ES6 to ES5.
  • Travis CI, Coveralls, Code climate and Codacy, Codecov, Codebeat.
  • Faker - to generate fake emails for unit tests.
  • Nodemailer - to configure and send mails-(for reset password).
  • Jsonwebtoken - to secure the endpoints.
  • Moment - to grab the recent time/date.
  • Bcrypt - to hash new passwords.
  • pg/pg-promise - to help in DB connections.
  • socketio - node.js framework server for mail connection(nodemailer)
  • Apiary(API Blueprint) - to document the API endpoints.

Getting started

  • In order to clone the project;
  • Have Git, Node.js and express installed on your computer.
  • use this link: https://github.com/funmi5/PropertyPro-Lite.git to clone it.
-  cd into the project and run **npm start**
-  For testing(unit tests), run **npm test**

Core details


jsonwebtoken is used in this project to secure the endpoints,
the validity of the token lasts for seven days and for the sign up/sign in,
it is passed through the response body,
while for other routes - it is passed through a header.
The header variable is: token

- for POST signup/signin
- {
  "status": "success",
  "data": {
    "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NjM1MjY1NTYsImV4cCI6MTU2NDEzMTM1N
    "rows": [
        "user_id": 553,
        "email": "funmiolaiya676@gmail.com",
        "first_name": "Funmilayo",
        "last_name": "Olaiya",
        "password": "$2b$08$0IK8ELkFU9rTEXWCEvk/ue6wcRhe8OtNn1XrioHPRzQv33.p00vMq",
        "phone_number": "09099878775",
        "address": "No.4 Customs Road, New Bodija."

- for other endpoints
- it is set as a header; 
  `'token', token


This project was well validated (the validations were passed in as a middle-ware
for each of the routes
POST /api/v1/auth/signup - validated for required fields, names, password and phone number
POST /api/v1/auth/signin - validated for matching authourized credentials and required fields
POST /api/v1/property - validated for required fields
GET /api/v1/property/:property_id - validated for the availaibility of the property
PATCH /api/v1/property/:property_id - validated for the availaibility of the property and required fields
PATCH /api/v1/property/:property_id/sold - validated for the availaibility of the property
DELETE /api/v1/property/:property_id - validated for the availaibility of the property
POST /api/v1/property/flag - validated for required fields
PATCH /api/v1/resetpassword/:user_id - validated for the availaibility of the email, and if new passwords match

HTTP Request Methods

These are the HTTP request methods used in this project.

Method Action
GET This method is used to get a resource
POST This method is used to create a resource or send data
PATCH This method is used to update a resource
DELETE This method is used to delete a resource

HTTP Response Status Codes

These are the HTTP response codes used in this project.

Status Codes Indication
200 This OK status code indicates that a request has succeeded
201 This created status code indicates that a resource has been created
204 This No content status code indicates a request has succeeded and the current page need not be left
400 This bad request error status code indicates that the request sent to the server is incorrect
404 This not found status code indicates that the request/resource asked for can not be found
401 This unauthorized error status code indicates that the credentials sent are incorrect
409 This conflict status code indicates that the request--response asked for is conflicted

The API Routes

This features all the routes created in this project.

API routes(url) Method Description
/api/v1/auth/signup POST For a user to create an account
/api/v1/auth/login POST For a user to log in to an account
/api/v1/property POST For a user to post a new property AD
/api/v1/property GET For a user to get all property ADs
/api/v1/property/:property_id GET For a user to get a single property AD
/api/v1/property/type/:property_id GET For a user to get specific types of a property AD
/api/v1/property/:property_id/sold PATCH For a user to mark a property AD as sold
/api/v1/property/:property_id PATCH For a user to update a property AD
/api/v1/property/:property_id DELETE For a user to delete a property AD
/api/v1/property/flag POST For a user to flag fraudulent property ADs
/api/v1/resetpassword/:user_id PATCH For a user to reset/change password

Template User Interface(UI)


Relevant Pivotal Tracker stories


The API endpoints are hosted on Heroku


The API endpoints are well documented



Funmilayo E. Olaiya