
Internationalization (i18n) and localization (l10n) in Django

Primary LanguagePython

first install the required packages by running the following command:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Then, run the following command to start the server:

sudo apt-get install gettext
python manage.py makemigrations

python manage.py migrate
python manage.py runserver

The server will start running at http://localhost:8000/ by default. You can access the server by opening this link in your browser.


To create translations for a new language, run the following commands:

django-admin makemessages -l <language_code>

Translations for the language code specified will be created in the locale directory. You can then translate the strings in the .po files in the locale/<language_code>/LC_MESSAGES directory.

After translating the strings, compile the translations by running the following command:

django-admin compilemessages

The translations will be compiled and will be available in the corresponding .mo files in the locale/<language_code>/LC_MESSAGES directory.

To switch the language of the application, you can change the LANGUAGE_CODE setting in the settings.py file to the language code of the language you want to use. or you can change the language from the admin panel.