Bowling Game Kata

This is a solution to the Bowling Game Kata.

Here we have 3 folders:

  1. BowlingGame folder contains the c# implementation of the solutions
  2. BowlingGame.Tests folder contains the unit tests
  3. diagrams folder contains diagrams relating to the solution, such as UML diagram


Prerequisite: The machine running the application should have .NET 6.0 (or above) installed.

To run the application:

  1. clone the repository to your computer
  2. then navigate to the BowlingGame folder (with cd command or otherwise)
  3. then run the following command
dotnet run


App Demo

Key Features

The application will:

  1. Prompt the user to input a number, representing the number of pins knocked down by rolling a bowling ball through the lane
  2. Update the "score table" to include the user input number, following the "rule of bowling" (see Bowling Game Kata)
  3. When all 10 frames were completed with no more bonus rolls, print the "game completion message" with the final score. For example:

Game Completion Message

UML Diagram

UML Diagram