Cinnamon Cinemas Seating Challenge

This repository contains a C# solution to the Cinnamon Cinemas Seating Challenge, where we're trying to allocate movie seats to customers until all the seats are allocated.

Here we have 3 folders:

  1. The CinnamonCinemas folder contains the C# solution to the challenge
  2. The CinnamonCinemas.Tests folder contains the unit tests for the solution
  3. The diagrams folder contains diagrams related to the solution


Prerequisite: The machine running the application should have .NET 6.0 (or above) installed.

To run the application:

  1. clone the repository to your computer
  2. then navigate to the MarsRover folder (with cd command or otherwise)
  3. then run the following command
dotnet run

App Demo

App Demo

UML Diagram

UML Diagram