
This is a C# solution to the Holiday Search programming exercise.

The task is to take the two JSON files in HolidaySearchLibrary/JsonFiles folder:

┗ 📂JsonFiles
  ┣ 📜FlightData.json
  ┗ 📜HotelData.json

as source data, and create a small library of code that provides a basic holiday search feature.

Instructions - Run the Tests

Prerequisite: The machine running the application should have .NET 6.0 (or above) installed.

To run the tests:

  1. clone the repository to your computer
  2. then navigate to the HolidaySearchLibrary.Tests folder (with cd command or otherwise)
  3. then run the following command
dotnet test

Then you should see all the test cases have passed.

Instructions - Use the library

Prerequisite: The machine running the application should have .NET 6.0 (or above) installed.

Clone the repository to your computer.

Then add project reference to the HolidaySearchLibrary project or otherwise so that your own project can access the HolidaySearchLibrary classes.

To search for holidays such that:

  • Departing from: Manchester Airport (MAN)
  • Traveling to: Malaga Airport (AGP)
  • Departure Date: 2023/07/01
  • Duration: 7 nights

use the following C# code:

var holidaySearch = new HolidaySearch(
  departingFrom: new() { "MAN" },
  travelingTo: "AGP",
  departureDate: DateTime.Parse("2023/07/01"),
  duration: 7

List<Holiday> holidays = holidaySearch.Results;

where the first result in holidaySearch.Results is the best value holiday.

But if you want the holidaySearch result to contain holidays departing from a list of multiple different airports, then specify those airports in the departingFrom list, so the C# code would be:

var holidaySearch = new HolidaySearch(
  departingFrom: new() { "MAN", "LCY", "LHR" }, // multiple airports
  travelingTo: "AGP",
  departureDate: DateTime.Parse("2023/07/01"),
  duration: 7

List<Holiday> holidays = holidaySearch.Results;

But if you want the holidaySearch result to contain holidays departing from any airport, then set the departingFrom to an empty list, so the C# code would be:

var holidaySearch = new HolidaySearch(
  departingFrom: new(), // all airports
  travelingTo: "AGP",
  departureDate: DateTime.Parse("2023/07/01"),
  duration: 7

List<Holiday> holidays = holidaySearch.Results;

UML Class Diagram

This is the UML Class Diagram of this solution.

UML Class Diagram

Classes Purposes
ReaderService Reads JSON file into list of Flights or Hotels
FlightSearchService Searches for a list of Flights that satisfy search conditions, with dependency injection of IReaderService
HotelSearchService Searches for a list of Hotels that satisfy search conditions, with dependency injection of IReaderService
HolidaySearchService Searches for a list of Holidays that satisfy search conditions, with dependency injections of IFlightSearchService and IHotelSearchService
HolidaySearch A wrapper that uses HolidaySearchService to search for a list of Holidays that satisfy search conditions, so that it can inject the all the dependency injections required