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my Leetcode Profile
Rank: Leetcode
Rank 34,84,506 --> GroupAnagramsCategorizeStringsByCountLeetcode49 / 11/25/2023
Rank 32,83,297 --> Top_K_Frequent_Elements_Bucket_Sort_Leetcode_347_Python / 11/26/2023
Rank 31,28,077 --> Product_of_Array_Except_Self_Leetcode_238_Python / 03/12/2023
Rank 33,54,755 --> after in active for 2 3 months
Rank 33,54,755 --> MaximumSubArray-AmazonCodingInterviewQuestion-Leetcode53-Python
Rank 33,54,755 --> 167-Two-Sum-II-Input-Array-Is-Sorted / 06/04/2024
Rank 33,54,755 --> 15-3Sum / 06/04/2024
Rank 29,68,003 --> rank is updated next day / 06/04/2024
Rank 29,82,734 --> 125ValidPalindrome / 12/04/2024
Rank 29,82,734 --> 11ContainerWithMostWater / 12/04/2024
Rank 27,90,797 --> 42TrappingRainWaterHardTopicsCompanies / 16/04/2024
Rank 27,05,514 --> 20ValidParentheses / 18/04/2024
Rank 27,07,732 --> 155MinStackMedium / 18/04/2024
Rank 28,13,425 --> / 03/08/2024
Rank 26,68,706 --> 1-Two-Sum-Leetcode-1-HashMap.ts / 04/08/2024
Rank 26,68,706 --> 2-Sliding-Window-Best-Time-to-Buy-and-Sell-Stock-Leetcode-121.ts / 04/08/2024
Rank 26,68,706 --> 3-217-Contains-Duplicate.ts / 05/08/2024
Rank 26,04,922 --> / 05/08/2024
Rank 26,04,922 --> 4-238-Product-of-Array-Except-Self.ts / 05/08/2024
Rank 26,04,922 --> 5-53-Maximum-SubArray.ts / 05/08/2024
Rank 26,04,922 --> 6-152-Maximum-Product-SubArray.ts / 05/08/2024
Rank 25,43,953 --> 224-Basic-Calculator.ts / 06/08/2024
Rank 25,43,953 --> 227-Basic-Calculator-II.ts / 06/08/2024
Rank 24,28,209 --> 227-Basic-Calculator-II.ts with deep understanding / 07/08/2024
Rank 24,28,209 --> 389-Find-the-Difference.ts / 07/08/2024
Rank 24,28,209 --> 1160-Find-Words-That-Can-Be-Formed-by-Characters.ts / 08/08/2024
Rank 23,28,228 --> / 08/08/2024
Rank 22,82,600 --> 2264-Largest-3-Same-Digit-Number-in-String.ts / 09/08/2024
Rank 22,82,600 --> 1903-Largest-Odd-Number-in-String.ts / 09/08/2024
Rank 22,82,600 --> 1688-Count-of-Matches-in-Tournament.ts / 10/08/2024
Rank 21,56,134 --> 867-Transpose-Matrix.ts / 10/08/2024 - 05:11 PM
Rank 21,56,134 --> 1464-Maximum-Product-of-Two-Elements-in-an-Array.ts / 10/08/2024 - 08:32 PM
Rank 21,56,134 --> 1582-Special-Positions-in-a-Binary-Matrix-Easy.ts / 10/08/2024 - 08:32 PM
Rank 20,43,019 --> 1582-Special-Positions-in-a-Binary-Matrix-Easy.ts revise / 11/08/2024 - 08:24 PM
Rank 20,43,019 --> 1436-Destination-City.ts / 11/08/2024 - 08:24 PM
Rank 20,43,019 --> 242-Valid-Anagram.ts / 11/08/2024 - 11:36 PM
Rank 20,09,539 --> 1913-Maximum-Product-Difference-Between-Two-Pairs.ts / 12/08/2024 - 04:58 PM - done with 2 approaches
Rank 20,09,539 --> 2706-Buy-Two-Chocolates.ts / 12/08/2024 - 05:47 PM - done with 2 approaches
Rank 20,09,539 --> 1422-Maximum-Score-After-Splitting-a-String.ts / 12/08/2024 - 09:46 PM - done with 3 approaches
Rank 19,13,346 --> 1496-Path-Crossing.ts / 13/08/2024 - 10:33 PM - done
i am very happy today that my leetcode rank reach to 19,13,346 from 34,84,506 and my aim is to get into Google and improve my rank to 10,000, to better crack any interview and improve as a developer. Rank 19,13,346 --> 1758-Minimum-Changes-To-Make-Alternating-Binary-String.ts / 13/08/2024 - 10:38 PM - done
Rank 18,56,078 -->
Rank 18,57,894 --> 1897-Redistribute-Characters-to-Make-All-Strings-Equal.ts / 15/08/2024 - 11:30 PM - done
Rank 18,57,894 --> 1624-Largest-Substring-Between-Two-Equal-Characters.ts / 15/08/2024 - 11:40 PM - done with 3 approaches
Rank 18,57,894 --> 455-Assign-Cookies.ts / 16/08/2024 - 12:40 AM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 18,57,894 --> 860-Lemonade-Change.ts / 16/08/2024 - 02:24 AM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 17,51,900 --> 2966-Divide-Array-Into-Arrays-With-Max-Difference.ts / 16/08/2024 - 10:00 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 17,51,900 --> 387-First-Unique-Character-in-a-String.ts / 16/08/2024 - 10:00 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 17,51,900 --> 624-Maximum-Distance-in-Arrays.ts / 16/08/2024 - 10:00 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 16,81,144 --> 231-Power-of-Two.ts / 17/08/2024 - 8:23 PM - done with 4 approaches
Rank 16,81,144 --> 326-Power-of-Three.ts / 17/08/2024 - 9:19 PM - done with 3 approaches
Rank 16,81,144 --> 342-Power-of-Four.ts / 17/08/2024 - 9:19 PM - done with 3 approaches
Rank 16,81,144 --> 191-Number-of-1-Bits.ts / 17/08/2024 - 9:19 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 15,96,043 --> 268-Missing-Number.ts / 18/08/2024 - 10:57 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 15,77,472 --> 136-Single-Number.ts / 19/08/2024 - 10:57 PM - done with 2 approaches
Rank 15,77,472 --> 137-Single-Number-II.ts / 19/08/2024 - 10:57 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 15,77,472 --> 260-Single-Number-III.ts / 19/08/2024 - 10:57 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 15,16,491 --> 1980-Find-Unique-Binary-String.ts / 20/08/2024 - --:-- PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 15,16,491 --> 2864-Maximum-Odd-Binary-Number.ts / 20/08/2024 - --:-- PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 14,82,565 --> 977-Squares-of-a-Sorted-Array.ts / 22/08/2024 - 08:18 PM - done with 2 approaches
Rank 14,82,565 --> 3005-Count-Elements-With-Maximum-Frequency.ts / 22/08/2024 - 08:18 PM - done with 2 approaches
Rank 14,49,383 --> 2540-Minimum-Common-Value.ts / 23/08/2024 - 00:00 PM - done with 3 approaches
Rank 14,34,024 --> 349-Intersection-of-Two-Arrays.ts / 24/08/2024 - 10:39 PM - done with 4 approaches
Rank 14,34,024 --> 350-Intersection-of-Two-Arrays-II.ts / 24/08/2024 - 10:39 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 14,34,024 --> 205-Isomorphic-Strings.ts / 25/08/2024 - 10:39 PM - done with 1 approaches
Rank 13,87,440 --> 1614-Maximum-Nesting-Depth-of-the-Parentheses.ts / 26/08/2024 - - done with 2 approaches
Rank 13,73,381 --> 2073-Time-to-Buy-Tickets.ts / 26/08/2024 - - done with 2 approaches
Rank 13,59,623 --> 1700-Number-of-Students-Unable-to-Eat-Lunch.ts / 27/08/2024 - - done with 1 approaches
Rank 13,46,370 --> 404-Sum-of-Left-Leaves.ts / 29/08/2024 - - done with 1 approaches
Rank 13,46,370 --> 112-Path-Sum.ts / 29/08/2024 - - done with 1 approaches
Rank 13,46,370 --> 3158-Find-the-XOR-of-Numbers-Which-Appear-Twice.ts / 29/08/2024 - - done with 1 approaches
Rank 13,33,232 --> 113-Path-Sum-II.ts / 29/08/2024 - - done with 1 approaches
Rank 12,95,525 --> 124-Binary-Tree-Maximum-Path-Sum.ts / 01/09/2024 - - done with 1 approaches
Rank 12,95,525 --> 129-Sum-Root-to-Leaf-Numbers.ts / 01/09/2024 - - done with 1 approaches
Rank 12,95,525 --> 1137-N-th-Tribonacci-Number.ts / 02/09/2024 - - done with 3 approaches
Rank 12,95,525 --> 509-Fibonacci-Number.ts / 02/09/2024 - - done with 2 approaches
Rank 12,60,201 --> 941-Valid-Mountain-Array.ts / 04/09/2024 - - done with 1 approaches