

Omitempty State

common case

type User struct {
	Firstname	string   `json:"firstname,omitempty"`
	IsActive  bool    `json:"is_active,omitempty"`
Field Value Actual Result
Firstname &User{} {}
Firstname &User {Firstname: ""} {}
Firstname &User {Firstname: "golf"} {"firstname": "golf"}
Firstname &User{Firstname: "golf", IsActive: true} {"firstname": "golf", "is_active": true}
Firstname &User{Firstname: "golf", IsActive: false} {"firstname": "golf"}

Simulate User Request Payload

User: Checked IsActive

	Firstname: "golf",
	IsActive:  true,

// output

User: Unchecked IsActive

In this case you will see that your field is_active is missing. Since omitempty will ignore you field once reach zero-value.

A value of bool type has 2 possible values: false and true. And you want to "communicate" 3 different states with a bool field, namely to not update the field, to set the field to false and to set the field to true. This is obviously not possible.

	Firstname: "golf",
	IsActive:  false,

// output

To solve above case

Add pointer to your type

type User struct {
	Firstname string   `json:"firstname,omitempty"`
	IsActive  *bool    `json:"is_active,omitempty"`

true case

isActive := true
	Firstname: "golf",
	IsActive:  &isActive,

// output

false case

isActive := false
	Firstname: "golf",
	IsActive:  &isActive,

// output

zero value case

hit omitempty

	Firstname: "golf",

// output

omitempty tag

The purpose of omitempty tag is ignoring empty field.


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