
Soccer Matches Predictor using Machine Learning

Primary LanguagePython

Euro Cup 2016 Predictor

Simply, this predictor is based on typical "feature+classifier" machine learning framework.

  • feature: ELO rating, win/draw/lose rate, goal/lost-goal since 1920
  • label: goal difference between team1 and team2
  • classifier: Random Forest Classifier

The code is a little in chaos due to limited time. Maybe I'll update it.


environment: Python2.7 with scikit-learn package installed;

  1. run group_stage.py to get group stage results (./result/nation_point.csv and ./result/promoted_nation.csv);
  2. run knockout_stage.py to get final results (./result/knockout_result.csv).

Prediction Results


Germany Germany

Knockout Stage

round team1 team2 result
16 france ukraine 3
16 spain italy 1
16 england romania 1
16 portugal ireland 3
16 germany romania 2
16 belgium czechia 1
16 switzerland poland 2
16 slovakia austria 1
8 france spain 1
8 england portugal 3
8 germany belgium 1
8 switzerland slovakia 1
4 france england 1
4 germany switzerland 2
2 france germany -1

Group Stage


group team points goal difference
a switzerland 7 3
a france 5 1
a romania 4 1
a albania 0 -5
b england 5 3
b slovakia 5 2
b wales 2 -2
b russia 2 -3
c germany 7 4
c ukraine 4 -1
c poland 4 -1
c northern ireland 1 -2
d spain 9 3
d czechia 4 1
d turkey 2 -1
d croatia 1 -3
e belgium 7 2
e ireland 5 1
e italy 4 0
e sweden 0 -3
f portugal 9 6
f austria 6 3
f hungary 3 -4
f iceland 0 -5

Matches Details

(('france', 'romania'), 0)
(('france', 'albania'), 1)
(('france', 'switzerland'), 0)
(('romania', 'albania'), 2)
(('romania', 'switzerland'), -1)
(('albania', 'switzerland'), -2)
(('england', 'russia'), 3)
(('england', 'wales'), 0)
(('england', 'slovakia'), 0)
(('russia', 'wales'), 0)
(('russia', 'slovakia'), 0)
(('wales', 'slovakia'), -2)
(('germany', 'ukraine'), 2)
(('germany', 'poland'), 2)
(('germany', 'northern ireland'), 0)
(('ukraine', 'poland'), 0)
(('ukraine', 'northern ireland'), 1)
(('poland', 'northern ireland'), 1)
(('spain', 'czechia'), 1)
(('spain', 'turkey'), 1)
(('spain', 'croatia'), 1)
(('czechia', 'turkey'), 0)
(('czechia', 'croatia'), 2)
(('turkey', 'croatia'), 0)
(('belgium', 'italy'), 1)
(('belgium', 'ireland'), 0)
(('belgium', 'sweden'), 1)
(('italy', 'ireland'), 0)
(('italy', 'sweden'), 1)
(('ireland', 'sweden'), 1)
(('portugal', 'iceland'), 2)
(('portugal', 'austria'), 1)
(('portugal', 'hungary'), 3)
(('iceland', 'austria'), -2)
(('iceland', 'hungary'), -1)
(('austria', 'hungary'), 2)


historcal data from fedebayle
euro2016 data from nowaycomputer promotion rules of euro2016 from Sohu