
An experimental bigram model for character level text generation trained on Shakespeare.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT

scrappyGPT | Bigram Model for Character-Level Text Generation


This project implements a bigram model for character-level text generation using PyTorch. The Bigram model predicts the next character in a sequence based on the current character.

This is a super simple implementation of this paper: Attention Is All You Need

The data used here to train the neural net is a Shakespearean play "Coriolanus" from Act 1, Scene 1 to Act 2, Scene 1.


To use this script:

  1. Ensure you have PyTorch installed. If not, you can install it via pip: pip install torch.

  2. Update the hyperparameters according to your requirements. The hyperparameters include:

    • batch_size: Batch size for training.
    • block_size: Size of the sequence block.
    • max_iters: Maximum number of iterations for training.
    • eval_internals: Interval for evaluating the loss during training.
    • learning_rate: Learning rate for the optimizer.
    • n_embd: Dimensionality of the embedding.
    • n_head: Number of attention heads.
    • n_layer: Number of transformer layers.
    • dropout: Dropout probability.
  3. Run the script. It will train the Bigram model on the input text data and generate text based on the trained model.


The script consists of the following components:

  • Data Loading: Reads the input text file, encodes characters and prepares the dataset.
  • Model Components:
    • Head: Represents one head of self-attention.
    • MultiHeadAttention: Consists of multiple heads of self-attention in parallel.
    • FeedForward: Implements the feedforward network.
    • Block: Represents a transformer block consisting of communication followed by computation.
    • BigramLanguageModel: Implements the bigram language model.
  • Text Generation: Generates text based on the trained Bigram model.

Run the script

python bigram_model.py


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


This project was made possible because of this lecture by Andrej Karpathy and was inspired by nanoGPT.

Feel free to customize and extend the script according to your specific needs!