
Learning the language of the future 😉

Primary LanguageRust

Learn rust with me :)

This is the place where I will be posting all my rust code that I have been using to learn the rust programming language

  • Everyone can use these structured notes/code to learn rust

  • You should use these notes in parallel with the rust-lang's book

  • These notes were written by me while I was learning rust from the book

  • You should write your own code side-by-side, not just copy-paste 😒

  • If you find any mistakes, the issues page is always there ❤️

  • I will be adding more topics as I learn


First, install rust from the official rust website. Then,

git clone https://github.com/iamhrigved/learn-rust.git ~/learn-rust
cd ~/learn-rust/basic-concepts/hello_world
cargo run

Start leaning! 😉