Fake news detector based on the content and users associated with it using BERT and Graph Attention Networks (GAT).
- 1171000607
- A11en0
- AeroOwl
- afsara-ben
- asai28Tempe
- ashishsalunkhe@barclays
- beijing1214
- Bhagyawardhan08Udaipur, Rajasthan, India
- clytze0216
- cnithin951
- fearlesstolove
- hangoutcode88chennai,India
- huazai1992
- jingyngRecod.ai
- Kkoekemoer97
- LinkonBSMRSTUBangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science & Technology University
- lumen2018
- mason003
- MichaelWayneLIU
- Palak807
- Peng057
- RajeshkumarkesavanChennai
- rileywang0819
- satvik1905Boston
- ShawLynn
- sjs2109
- slinglingXi'an Jiaotong University
- subham1routiServeU Technology Pvt. Ltd.
- Tanyaborges
- tarekrahman3Right-Hand Task Force
- WWWangzhiwei
- Yun-Fu
- ZhuliuAiagle@baidu