
Computer store app

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Computer Store Demo

Great deals on laptops!

Build With

Getting Started

This repo contains a frontend and a backend app. The frontend source code lives in apps/store and the backend source code lives in apps/api.

Run the following commands from the root of the repo. No need to change directories into each app.

Install project dependencies

pnpm install

Generate prisma client

pnpm --filter api prisma:generate

Start database

docker compose up -d

Run migrations

pnpm run --filter api prisma:migrate

Create .env file for api

cp apps/api/.env.example apps/api/.env


Update the DATABASE_URL environment variable if not using provided docker database

Seed the database

pnpm run --filter api seed

Start frontend and backend dev servers

pnpm run dev

Both apps should now be running and viewable: