
A simple but useful application for music visualization

Primary LanguageHTML

YehMidi -- that simple visual music template for everyone

This project is based on music theories made by professor Yeh Hsiao-Ching. It is one of the most simple and efficient visual projects. The project is right now buildable on MacOS, and is as easy as counting primes.

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.

  • clone the repository.
  • navigate to the xcode project to modify it.
  • build it. That's it!


For developers, it is required to download

  • openframeworks,
  • ofxMidi (a midi extension for openframeworks) to modify/build the project


To test the application, navigate to the bin folder. Inside you can find the config file. There are two ways to edit the config file: By direct edit or by the GUI.

Run the Application by the "RunApp" shortcut.


The Graphic User Interface is located in the gui backup folder. Simply copy the contents into the bin folder and open the application by "RunAppWithGUI" shortcut.

Built With



This project is licensed under the MIT License


-- If you appreciate this work, or want to know more about it or other projects made by me, please visit my research blog: https://b04902041.wixsite.com/index