
plugin for running the junit tests in parallel

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT



What is BatchRunner?

BatchRunner is a Junit plugin that is composed on top of Coroutines to bring parallelism to the UnitTests. With this plugin, you can leverage the maximum threads available in your machine (CI - Instance).
BatchRunner also supports SuiteTests, in the sense that you will be able to run different test classes in the suite parallelly.


Add the following to your project's root build.gradle file

repositories {
    maven {
        url "https://jitpack.io"

Add the following to your project's build.gradle file

dependencies {


For JUnit Test Classes

class BatchRunnerUnitTest1 {
    fun addition_isCorrect() {
        assertEquals(4, 2 + 2)
    // along with you tests

For Mockito JUnit Test Classes

class MockitoBatchTest {

    private lateinit var context: Context

    fun before() {

    fun mockTest1() {

For TestSuites

class BatchSuiteRunner

Gradle changes

android {
    subprojects {
        tasks.withType<Test> {
            maxParallelForks = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors()

Contribution, Issues or Future Ideas

If part of BatchRunner is not working correctly be sure to file a Github issue. In the issue provide as many details as possible. This could include example code or the exact steps that you did so that everyone can reproduce the issue. Sample projects are always the best way :). This makes it easy for me or someone from the open-source community to start working!

If you have a feature idea submit an issue with a feature request or submit a pull request and we will work with you to merge it in!

Contribution guidelines

Contributions are more than welcome!

  • You should make sure that all the test are working properly.
  • You should raise a PR to develop branch
  • Before you raise a PR please make sure your code had no issue from Android studio lint analyzer.

Please Share & Star the repository to keep me motivated.