
Jetpack compose library to control OverscrollEffect in Android

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT



License MIT Public Yes

Squishy is a lightweight library for controlling the overscroll effect of parent containers or child composables based on user input. It provides parameters to customize the behavior of overscroll effects.


Gradle Setup

Add this to your root build.gradle.kts:

repositories {
    maven { setUrl("https://jitpack.io") }

Add this to your module build.gradle.kts:

dependencies {



BaseOverscrollEffect is an abstract class for handling overscroll effects in a composable's parent container or child composables. It provides infrastructure for custom overscroll and fling behaviors using coroutines and animations.

Key Features

  • Overscroll Management: Control the overscroll effect for smooth interactions.
  • Customizable Animations: Use Animatable and AnimationSpec for custom animations.
  • Orientation Support: Supports vertical and horizontal orientations.
  • Modifiable Behavior: Provides modifiers for easy integration and customization in Jetpack Compose.



Applies overscroll effects to a composable.

fun Modifier.overScroll(
    isParentOverScrollEnabled: Boolean = true,
    overscrollEffect: BaseOverscrollEffect,
    orientation: Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
    flingBehavior: FlingBehavior? = null
): Modifier
  • isParentOverScrollEnabled: Enable or disable parent overscroll.
  • overscrollEffect: Custom overscroll behavior.
  • orientation: Scroll orientation (Vertical or Horizontal).
  • flingBehavior: Custom fling behavior (optional).


Allows child composables to utilize the overscroll effect from the parent container.

fun Modifier.childOverScrollSupport(
    overscrollEffect: BaseOverscrollEffect
): Modifier
  • overscrollEffect: Custom overscroll behavior for child composables.

Example Usage

val overscrollEffect = MyCustomOverscrollEffect(
    scope = rememberCoroutineScope(),
    orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
    maxOverscroll = 300f,
    animatable = remember { Animatable(0f) },
    animationSpec = tween(durationMillis = 500)

    modifier = Modifier
            isParentOverScrollEnabled = true,
            overscrollEffect = overscrollEffect,
            orientation = Orientation.Vertical
) {
    // Content here

Adding Child Overscroll

    modifier = Modifier
            isParentOverScrollEnabled = false, 
            overscrollEffect = overscrollEffect,
            orientation = Orientation.Vertical
) {
    for (item in 1..50) {
            onClick = {},
            modifier = Modifier
        ) {
            Text(text = "item$item", textAlign = TextAlign.Center)

Getting Started

  1. Add BaseOverscrollEffect to your project.
  2. Create custom overscroll effects by extending BaseOverscrollEffect.
  3. Apply the overScroll and childOverScrollSupport modifiers to your composables.

Extending the Base Class

PushDownOverscrollEffect Class

class PushDownOverscrollEffect(
    scope: CoroutineScope,
    maxOverscroll: Float,
    orientation: Orientation,
    animatable: Animatable<Float, out AnimationVector>,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float>
) : BaseOverscrollEffect(
    scope = scope,
    maxOverscroll = maxOverscroll,
    orientation = orientation,
    animatable = animatable,
    animationSpec = animationSpec
) {
    override val effectModifier: Modifier
        get() = if (orientation == Orientation.Vertical) {
                .offset { IntOffset(0, getOffsetValue().roundToInt()) }
        } else {
            super.effectModifier.offset { IntOffset(getOffsetValue().roundToInt(), 0) }

rememberPushDownOverscrollEffect Function

fun rememberPushDownOverscrollEffect(
    maxOverscroll: Float = 1000f,
    orientation: Orientation = Orientation.Vertical,
    animationSpec: AnimationSpec<Float> = tween(500),
    animatable: Animatable<Float, out AnimationVector> = Animatable(0f)
): BaseOverscrollEffect {
    val scope = rememberCoroutineScope()
    return remember {


val pushDownOverscrollEffect = rememberPushDownOverscrollEffect()

    modifier = Modifier
            overscrollEffect = pushDownOverscrollEffect
) {
    // Content here


  • The library doesn't work with LazyList.

Contributing, Issues, or Ideas

If you encounter any issues with Squishy, please file a GitHub issue with as many details as possible, including example code or steps to reproduce the issue. For feature requests, submit an issue or a pull request.

Contribution Guidelines

  • Ensure all tests pass.
  • Raise a PR to the develop branch.
  • Ensure no issues from Android Studio lint analyzer.

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