
Time Table Generation using Genetic Algorithm for a College.

Primary LanguagePython


Time Table Generation using Genetic Algorithm for a College.

Run MainGUI.py to start the program

MainGUI.py is the main interface program

username = root password = root

It accesses the GAimplemented.py on clicking "Generate Button" It opens the Book1.xlsx on clicking "Edit input" Constraints specified will be saved to a text file "constraints.txt"

The GAimplemeted.py can be run independently but the constraints cannot be specified, it uses data from "constraints.txt" from previous execution of main in such cases.

GAimplemented.py has the implementation of Genetic Algorithm - crossover,mutation,fitness check, generation

Python version : Python 3

Extra Libraries to be installed : 1.pillow 2.tabulate 3.openpyxl 4.shutil

installation example:- pip install pillow

Microsoft Excel