
This project automates the backup of honeypot data, including SCP transfers to a remote server and local logging of backup operations. The script ensures regular backups of logs and other relevant files, with the option to transfer those backups to a remote server using SCP. It also maintains a log of the backup success or failure for auditing purposes. Optional tools have also been added for convenience. Blog write-up https://www.iamjoshgilman.com/kickstart-your-dshield-honeypot/


  • Automated Backup: Backups are created and password-protected to prevent accidental execution.
  • Optional SCP Transfer: The script offers the option to transfer backups to a remote server via SCP, using key-based authentication.
  • Logging: Logs the success or failure of SCP transfers to a local file.
  • PCAP File Management: Clears older PCAP files to save space and ensure smooth operation.
  • Cron Jobs: Automates the backup and log rotation processes.
  • Additional Tools: Optional install of helpful log processing tools (cowrieprocessor, JSON-Log-Country)
  • Key-based Authentication: If using SCP, ensure SSH key-based authentication is set up between the honeypot and remote server.

Required Tools

The script will install the following packages if they are not already installed:

  • git
  • python3-pip
  • tcpdump
  • zip
  • jq
  • curl


Clone the Repository

git clone https://github.com/iamjoshgilman/DShieldKickStarter.git
cd DShieldKickStarter

Set Executable Permissions

Ensure the main script has executable permissions:

chmod +x kickstarter.sh

Run the Script

To start the backup setup, run the following command:

sudo ./kickstarter.sh


SCP Transfer

During the setup process, you will be prompted to enable SCP transfers. If enabled, you will need to provide the following details:

  • Remote server IP or hostname
  • Remote username
  • Remote path to store backups

The script assumes that key-based authentication is already configured between the honeypot server and the remote server.


The script logs the status of the backup and SCP transfer operations to a file located at:


This file contains timestamps and success or failure messages for each backup attempt. The log is appended with each run, preserving a history of the operations.

Cron Jobs

The script automatically sets up cron jobs for:

  • Daily Backups: The backup script is scheduled to run daily at 3:00 AM.
  • Log Rotation: Will archive and rotate the logs monthly.
  • SCP Transfer (if enabled): If SCP is enabled, it is scheduled to transfer backups at 4:00 AM daily.

File Structure

The main files included in this project are:

  • honeypot_backup.sh: The script handles the setup, backups, and optional SCP transfers.
  • scp_backup.sh: Automatically generated script for SCP transfer if enabled.
  • backup.sh: Handles the log and home directory data backup process.

Directory Structure

The script creates the following directories if they do not exist:

  • /var/log/honeypot/cowrie: Stores Cowrie honeypot logs.
  • /var/log/honeypot/webhoneypot: Stores web honeypot logs.
  • /var/lib/honeypot/dumps: Stores packet capture files (PCAP).
  • /var/backups/honeypot: Stores zipped backup files.
  • /opt/honeypot/scripts: Stores custom scripts for backups and transfers.


Modify Backup Content

To modify what gets backed up, you can edit the backup script located at:


You can adjust which directories or files are zipped and password-protected. The default password for the ZIP files is infected

Additional Tools

Optionally, Cowrieprocessor, and JSON-Log-Country can be cloned in your home directory. Additional Information can be found at their respective repos.

  • https://github.com/jslagrew/cowrieprocessor
  • https://github.com/justin-leibach/JSON-Log-Country