
Analysis and modeling of Spotify songs data to predict popularity score of tracks using audio features. Implements data visualization, preprocessing, feature engineering and machine learning with Python.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Spotify Song Popularity Prediction

This project analyzes a Spotify songs dataset and builds a model to predict the popularity score of songs based on audio features.

Data Analysis & Modeling Pipeline

The end-to-end pipeline followed in this analysis is:

Data Loading & Inspection

  • Load the spotify_songs.csv dataset
  • Inspect data types, null values, duplicates etc.
  • Fix issues like missing values
  • Create new features like year, month etc. from album release date

Exploratory Data Analysis

  • Distribution of songs across release years
  • Music trends over decades analyzing attributes like acousticness, liveness, tempo
  • Analysis of songs and artists across music genres
  • Finding top artists by popularity and number of songs
  • Correlation analysis between different audio features

Data Preprocessing

  • Handle outliers in features like loudness
  • Select most relevant features using statistical tests
  • Standardize features for modeling

Model Building

  • Split data into train and test sets
  • Train a Linear Regression model
  • Evaluate model performance using RMSE
  • Train a Random Forest Regressor as an alternate model

Model Usage

The trained models can be used to make predictions on new songs. The audio features of a song can be passed as input to the model to generate predicted popularity score.

Libraries Used

  • Pandas - For data manipulation
  • Matplotlib & Seaborn - For visualization
  • Scikit-Learn - For model building

Future Improvements

Some ways to further improve the analysis:

  • Try more advanced regression algorithms like XGBoost
  • Optimize hyperparamaters of models through grid search
  • Incorporate text content of songs like lyrics to improve predictions
  • Deploy model via API for easier usage


The Spotify song dataset is taken from Kaggle.


@Jigyansu Rout