Homework Assignment

I was given a vague homework assignment (found at ./Homework Assignment.pdf) to
complete using Node.js and Mongo. These are not the technogies that I would've
picked, but I had a fun time using Node and Mongo again.

The general idea of the API that I was building is that it could power an internal
admin tool or even be suitable for external clients.

This is far complete, and in the real world there would be incremental changes
made though pull requests that would guide the direction of the implementation,
but without that, here we are.

Running The Server

  $ DEBUG=homeworkchallenge:* npm start

Running The Script That Utilizes The API

  $ node axios.js


  - No tests. This is not how I would choose to operate, but because of the scope
    of the assignment, concessions had to be made. Not writing tests was one.
  - Password is currently stored in plaintext. No, I would never do this in real life. :D
  - Any logged in user has godlike control over the data.