
Week 5, Checkout Kata @makersacademy set by @antonydenyer

Primary LanguageRuby

Checkout Kata Code Climate

End of week 4 challenge @makersacademy set by Tony Denyer been set a challenge to complete this kata. We need to implement a supermarket checkout that calculates the total price of a number of items given. Some items have offers associated with them and the system needs to recognise that to provide an accurate total. The items are as follows:

Item Price Offer
A 50 3 for 130
B 30 2 for 45
C 20
D 15


  • Ruby
  • Git
  • Object-oriented-programming
  • Test-driven-development with RSpec
  • CRC Cards
  • Heroku
  • Sinatra


To run the application run irb:

require "./lib/checkout"
=> true
checkout = Checkout.new([:a, :b, :b, :c])
=> #<Checkout:0x007f96f11e4e68 @basket=[:a, :b, :b, :c]>
=> 115


  • Cleanup of User Interface


As an extension I developed a front-end for the Ruby code in the background which can be viewed on Heroku.