
Week 4 test, Testing Ruby Skills @makersacademy

Primary LanguageRuby

NOTE: There is only one main commit - see Issues

Week 4 Test

End of week 4 test @makersacademy set by @antonydenyer required us to re-implement the inject method. Also, we were required to develop a Takeaway system that allowed an order to be passed in, check the total it received, and then using the Twilio API send a text message to the customer.


  • Ruby
  • Git
  • Object-oriented-programming
  • Test-driven-development with RSpec
  • Twilio API
  • RSpec Stubs and Doubles


To run the re-implementation of the inject method, run irb:

require "./lib/task1"
=> true
array = Task1.new(3) { |i| i }
=> [0, 1, 2]
array.crazy_inject{|sum, i| sum + i}
=> 3

To run the takeaway run irb:

require "./lib/takeaway"
=> true
require "./lib/order"
=> true
checkout = Checkout.new([:a, :b, :b, :c])
=> #<Checkout:0x007f96f11e4e68 @basket=[:a, :b, :b, :c]>
=> 115
order = Order.new({:burrito => 2, :pasta => 3}, 28)
 => #<Order:0x007f859ba7f558 @food_qty={:burrito=>2, :pasta=>3}, @total=28>
takeaway = Takeaway.new(order)
 => #<Takeaway:0x007f859ba86d08 @order=#<Order:0x007f859ba7f558 @food_qty={:burrito=>2, :pasta=>3}, @total=28>>
=> true
=> "Thank you! Your order was placed and will be delivered before 07:54"
=> ...


During development, I included my secret keys in the actual code, which is a problem. Aiming to extract to a YAML and rebase the code, I was unable to and deleted the git history. That is why there is only one commit.