I am Sebastian Bergmann. If you develop software using the PHP programming language then you may have come across my name. I am the creator and maintainer of PHPUnit as well as many other libraries and tools that are commonly used.
- vimeo/php-mysql-engine - A MySQL engine written in pure PHP (2 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/cli-parser - Library for parsing CLI options (3 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/phpunit - The PHP Unit Testing framework. (3 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/code-unit - Collection of value objects that represent the PHP code units (3 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/type - Collection of value objects that represent the types of the PHP type system (3 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/php-timer - Utility class for timing (3 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/comparator - Provides the functionality to compare PHP values for equality. (3 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/complexity - Library for calculating the complexity of PHP code units (3 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/environment - Provides functionality that helps writing PHP code that has runtime-specific (PHP / HHVM) execution paths (3 days ago)
- sebastianbergmann/exporter - Provides the functionality to export PHP variables for visualization (3 days ago)
- vimeo/php-mysql-engine (0.2.0, 1 day ago) - A MySQL engine written in pure PHP
- nikic/PHP-Parser (v4.10.4, 1 month ago) - A PHP parser written in PHP
- phpspec/prophecy-phpunit (v2.0.1, 2 months ago) - Integrating Prophecy in PHPUnit test cases
- JetBrains/phpstorm-stubs (v2019.3, 1 year ago) - PHP runtime & extensions header files for PhpStorm
- Refactoring (3 weeks ago)
- Your Password to Planet Argon (3 weeks ago)
- Here is your homework (3 weeks ago)
- The Value of Objects (3 weeks ago)
- PHP 8 and WordPress (3 weeks ago)
- Twitter: @s_bergmann
- Email: sebastian@phpunit.de