Xcode and iOS version >= 10.0
XCToolbox is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod 'XCToolbox'
By default, the output/logging from XCUITests are difficult to parse. This provides "activity" naming in given/when/then/and format to provide more readable results and test organization.
func testGoMakesMeGo() {
given("I launch my app") {
when("I tap the Go button") {
then("I should see I have gone") {
XCTAssertTrue(XCUIApplication().staticTexts["You have gone!"].exists)
A set of strings to use when building expectations with predicates.
Usage: NSPredicate(format: UIStatus.notExist.rawValue)
A set of TimeIntervals to use when waiting.
(2 seconds)medium
(5 seconds)long
(10 seconds)extraLong
(20 seconds)
Usage: someLoadingData.waitForExistence(timeout: Waits.long.rawValue)
takeScreenshot(named: String)
Takes a screenshot of the present screen and attaches it to the test case result
Ignores the restrictions tap() is bound by and taps the element anyway
pasteInto(toPaste: String)
Reliably uses the Pasteboard to copy text into an element
waitForDisappearance(timeout: TimeInterval) -> Bool
Waits for an element to disappear
waitForHittable(timeout: TimeInterval) -> Bool
Waits for an element to be hittable
waitForSwitchValue(expectation: Bool, timeout: TimeInterval) -> Bool
Waits for a switch to change value (can be useful if you navigate away immediately after tapping it)
waitForValueToNotContain(this: String, timeout: TimeInterval)
Waits for a value to no longer contain a string
allValues: [String]
Contains all string label values from a query
lastMatch: XCUIElement
The last matching element in a query
secondMatch: XCUIElement
The second matching element in a query
thirdMatch: XCUIElement
The third matching element in a query
nthMatch(n: Int) -> XCUIElement
Returns the "nth" matching element in a query
Note: firstMatch
is provided by XCTest
Others - Not all original code, but generally modified and improved
XCToolbox is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.