
Problem-Statement: AI for Farmer for Crop and Fertilizer Recommendation, Pest recognition and proper guideline

Primary LanguageHTML


Problem-Statement: AI for Farmer for Crop and Fertilizer Recommendation, Pest recognition and proper guideline



  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Bootstrap
  • Jquery
  • Javascript
  • Ajax


  • Flask


  • Firebase

External Library

  • Chart.js
  • Animate.js
  • Twillo

Python Library

  • Keras
  • Tensorflow
  • opencv
  • Numpy
  • Pandas
  • scikit-learn
  • Pillow
  • bs4
  • requests
  • os
  • pyrebase
  • firebase-admin
  • Twillo
  • OWA
  • Flask

R Library

  • Shiny
  • GeoR
  • Gstat
  • Ap
  • Automap
  • Lattice
  • Raster
  • RgoogleMaps
  • Leaflet


Screenshot (58)

Pest Prediction CNN model

ML Implementation

  • Keras
  • Tensoflow
  • Pillow
  • Numpy
  • Opencv

Build CNN model trained on 10k image dataset provided kaggle of different Healthy and Unheathy plant image dataset

Screenshot (68)

Kriging (Fertilizer Prediction)

ML implementaion

  • shiny
  • geoR
  • gstat
  • sp
  • automap
  • lattice
  • raster
  • RgoogleMaps
  • leaflet

Using Clustering and Interplolation technique with Kriging this will predict the Amount of N, P, K and pH.

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Weather Prediction

Given Two type of weather forcast

  • Openweathermap Api give the real time forcast
  • Web Scarping using bs4 (python library) will give the 15 days weather forcast

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Crop Recomendation

ML Implementation

  • Pandas
  • Numpy
  • scikit-learn

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Market Stats

  • Google Map Api
  • Chart.js
  • Ajax
  • Javascript

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MultiLangauge Support

  • Google Translater Api

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