Ocean Protocol Faucet Telegram bot

A token distributing telegram bot for Ocean Protocol's testnet

Getting Started 🛠

# Get the latest snapshot
git clone git@github.com:iamonuwa/oceanprotocol-telegram-faucet-bot.git faucet_bot

# Change directory
cd faucet_bot/

# Install NPM dependencies
npm install

# Or, if you prefer to use `yarn` instead of `npm`
yarn install

Telegram 🗞

  1. Send @BotFather a /newbot message
  2. Pick name and username (e.g., Ocean Faucet + ocean_faucet_bot)
  3. Receive a BOT_TOKEN;

Hacking 👩🏻‍💻 👨🏼‍💻

  1. Copy contents of sample.env to .env
  2. Insert the BOT_TOKEN in .env
  3. Run npm run start to start the bot in development mode
  4. Do the magic 👾

Deployment 🛳

  1. Create a Heroku account
  2. Install Heroku CLI
  3. Create a new app from Heroku WebGUI

! Run the following commands from the console

  1. heroku login
  2. heroku git:remote -a *app_name_on_heroku*

! The next step could be done from Heroku app Settings: -> Reveal Config Vars -> add [KEY = VALUE] pairs.

  1. Setup config variables
     heroku config:set BOT_TOKEN=TOKEN
     heroku config:set APP_URL=$(heroku info -s | grep web_url | cut -d= -f2)
  2. git add * && git commit -m "<commit-message>"
  3. git push heroku master