
Laravel TwigBridge

Primary LanguagePHP

Laravel 4 TwigBridge

Note: This package is deprecated in favor of https://github.com/rcrowe/TwigBridge. Please try the 0.6.x release, which should be very similar and provide the same functionality. Further progress will take place there.

This packages adds Twig as a Laravel Template Engine:

  • Use .twig files just like Blade/PHP Templates
  • Supports creator/composer events
  • Easily add helpers/filters ({{ url('/') }} or {{ 'someThing' | snake_case }})
  • Can call Facades ({{ MyModel.to('/') }})
  • Can be integrated with Assetic (https://github.com/barryvdh/laravel-assetic)
  • Default extensions for easier use.

See http://twig.sensiolabs.org/ for more info about Twig Templating


Require this package in your composer.json and run composer update (or run composer require barryvdh/laravel-twigbridge:dev-master directly):

"barryvdh/laravel-twigbridge": "0.3.x"

After updating composer, add the ServiceProvider to the providers array in app/config/app.php


You can add the Twig Facade to have easy access to Twig_Environment, ie. Twig::render('template.twig').

'Twig' => 'Barryvdh\TwigBridge\Twig',


After install, you can just use View::make('index'); The .twig extension should be omitted in the View::make() call, just like Blade files. Within your Twig files, you can reference them with or without .twig. You can also use view composers/creators, just like in Blade templates.

View::composer('profile', function($view)
	$view->with('count', User::count());


The following helpers/filters are added by the default Extensions. They are based on the helpers and/or facades, so should be self explaining.


  • asset, action, url, route, secure_url, secure_asset
  • link_to, link_to_asset, link_to_route, link_to_action
  • auth_check, auth_guest, auth_user
  • config_get, config_has
  • session_has, session_get, csrf_token
  • trans, trans_choice
  • form_* (All the Form::* methods, snake_cased)
  • html_* (All the Html::* methods, snake_cased)
  • str_* (All the Str::* methods, snake_cased)
  • url_* (All the URL::* methods, snake_cased)


  • camel_case, snake_case, studly_case
  • str_* (All the Str::* methods, snake_cased)

Global variables:

  • app: the Illuminate\Foundation\Application object
  • errors: The $errors MessageBag from the Validator (always available)

Example Template Syntax

In a Blade template, if you had a route to edit a task in a Task/Todo application, you would use the following syntax to link to a route.

{{ link_to_route('tasks.edit', 'Edit', $task->id, array('class' => 'btn btn-primary')) }}

In a Twig template you would do the same thing using the following syntax. Notice the task object drops the dollar sign ($) and instead of an arrow (->) you use a period ('.'). Also, you convert the array to a Python/Javascript dictionary type syntax.

{{ link_to_route('tasks.edit', 'Edit', task.id, {'class': 'btn btn-primary'}) }}


2 Artisan commands are included:

  • $ php artisan twig:clear
    • Clear the compiled views in the Twig Cache
  • $ php artisan twig:lint <dir or filename>
    • Check a directory or file for Twig errors, for exampele php artisan twig:lint app/views


To publish a configuration file, you can run the following command:

$ php artisan config:publish barryvdh/laravel-twigbridge

Change your config to choose what helpers/filters you want to use, and what Facades to register. You can also pass in a callback or array to define options. You can also use an instance of Twig_SimpleFunction or Twig_SimpleFilter. Besides facades, you can also add your Models.

'functions' => array(
	'class_function' => 'MyClass@method',
	'other_function' => array(
		'is_safe' => array('html')
	'call_me' => array(
		'is_safe' => array('html'),
		'callback' => function($value){ 
				return phone($value);

'filters' => array(
	'filter_this' => function($value){
			return doSomething($value);

'facades' => array(


The Twig_Environment is available as 'twig' in the App Container, so you can access it via app('twig') or App::make('twig'). The ChainLoader is 'twig.loader', the array templates are in 'twig.templates'. You can also use the Twig Facade to access the Twig_Environment functions directly.

//Using the App container
$twig = app('twig');
$twig->addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction(..));

$loader = App::make('twig.loader');

//Using the Facade
Twig::addGlobal('key', $value);
Twig::addFunction(new Twig_SimpleFunction(..));

//Adding templates to the array loader
App::extend('twig.templates', function($templates){
        $templates['hello'] = 'Hello World!';
        return $templates;
echo Twig::render('hello'); //Hello World!