
Example monorepo setup with lerna including a UI library in React consumed by 2 different apps

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Example monorepo setup with lerna including a UI library in React consumed by 2 different apps


  1. Monorepo with Lerna
  2. TypeScript
  3. source maps depending on env (development | production). See rollup.config.js
  4. tree-shaking: only bundle what's used. To test this comment the <Avatar> component then compare the before/after builds
  5. Basic component import from "ui-library"
  6. JS component -> import asset from "ui-library"
  7. SCSS modules -> import asset from "ui-library"
  8. from root componen -> import ui-library/style/common.scss
  9. ui-library can import and use it's own asset
  10. Lazy-loading packages

PS: to see the checklist in progress run either of the apps or see the Checklist.tsx component.

How to start and build the projects

In the root directory run

$ yarn install
$ yarn bootstrap

This will install and link dependencies in all packages.

To start

Warning: technically running yarn start in root should work. Unfortunately, create-react-app crashes when the ui-library is in start mode and we perform changes. Thus, to run the projects, we'll have to separately build the ui-library and then run the apps.

yarn build // this will build everything


cd packages/create-react-app
yarn start


cd packages/next
yarn dev

To build

Simply run yarn build in root and all packages will be build in the correct order.


In ui-library/package.json we added this config:

"publishConfig": {
    "directory": "dist"

This allows us to correcly link to the dist directory when running locally, via lerna.

Next custom config

  1. Had to add react to alias for it to work:
// next.config.js
const path = require('path');

/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
  reactStrictMode: true,
  webpack: (config) => {
    // Without this `next` doesn't correctly import the package.
    config.resolve.alias['react'] = path.resolve(__dirname, 'node_modules/react');

    return config;

module.exports = nextConfig

Questions / Problems:

  1. How to handle styling for both SPA and SSR apps?

We want this library to handle both SPA apps (eg: create-react-app) and SSR apps (eg: NextJS). Not sure what is the best approach... I'll have to do some more research on libraries that manage to achieve this, like material-ui.

In the meantime, the compromise solution is to extract the CSS into one index.css file, which we'll have to manually import into all consuming apps. This works but with one major downside, we bundle all the CSS even if we use just parts of it.

  1. Will default exports from ui-library work as well?

All components in ui-library use named exports. I assume default exports would work as well, but we'll have to test this, making sure all checklists pass.

  1. How to handle big images in the component library?

Right now images get converted to base64 which heavily increases the JS payload. What is the best way to handle big images in the ui-library? Or do we simply make sure our components are built in a generic way, and the image will be provided by the consuming apps?

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