
The backend of a task manager app inspired by asana using nodejs/express/mongodb

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#Task Manager API

This is a backend API based in nodejs and mongo for a task manager application.

For testing start mongo npm run mongo

Then start the api server npm run dev

Authentication is by bearer token.


/users To add user, send post request with {name, email, password}

/users/login To login, send post request with {email, password}, will return {user, token}

/users/me Can read user profile, update, and delete user*

###Adding Projects, Lists, Tasks

/projects Add a project by sending {name}

/lists Add new list by sending {name, project: projectId}

/tasks Add task by sending post request with {title, description, list: listId}

###Reading/Updating/Deleting /projects/ID /lists/ID

Get all lists of a project /lists?project=ID