1. Introduction

Chat console application contains one module - chatServer. Server uses localhost as ip address and port - 8500. After starting the server module, a client can connect to server by using telnet command with same ip address (localhost or and port number - 8500.

2. How to Run

Application uses python's inbuilt library, thus no hassles of installing library.

2.1 Run chatServer(Server) :

python chatServer.py

2.2 To connect client to server:

telnet <ip> <port>

where ip = localhost/ and port = 8500

e.g. - open new terminal and type this command

telnet 8500


telnet localhost 8500

Note : Max number of client allowed to connect with server is 5.

2.3 To login :

login <user_name>

e.g. - login anaconda

2.4 To Chat/send message:

To send message, use say command

say <message>

e.g.say Hello bro

2.4 To end session :

To end the chat session, use stop command.

e.g. stop
