GeeksforGeeks Devops Live

What is Devops?

DevOps is a set of practices that combines software development and IT operations to improve collaboration and automation. It aims to deliver better software faster through continuous integration, delivery, and deployment. DevOps emphasizes a culture of collaboration and transparency to create a more agile organization.

# Course Content


# Week 1 - DevOps Fundamentals

  • Linux Fundamentals
  • YAML
  • Networking Basics
  • What is Git and GitHub?
  • GitHub Alternatives
  • What is version control system, repositories, .git folder
  • Different states of files
  • Components of git
  • Git workflow
  • Git Branching: Checkout, merge, rebase
  • Pull request
  • GitHub commands: git config, git init, git clone, git add, git commit, git diff, git reset, git status, git rm, git log, git show, git tag, git branch, git checkout, git merge, git remote, git push, git pull, git stash
  • Creating git repository and pushing it to GitHub

# Week 2 - Package Management

  • What are containers? Why do we need them?
  • What is Docker?
  • Docker alternatives
  • What is docker image, docker file, docker hub?
  • Pulling docker image from docker hub
  • Building custom docker image and publishing it to docker hub?
  • Docker commands: docker version, docker build, docker search, docker pull, docker run, docker ps, docker stop, docker restart, docker kill, docker exec, docker login, docker commit, docker push, docker network, docker history, docker rmi, docker ps -a, docker copy, docker logs, docker volume, docker logout
  • Managing Images & Containers
  • Docker volume
  • Docker networking
  • Docker compose

# Week 3 - CICD

  • What is continuous integration and continuous delivery?
  • What is Jenkins?
  • Jenkin Alternatives
  • What are Jenkin jobs, pipeline?
  • Different build triggers: SCM polling, Gitscm polling, Build periodically, etc
  • Creating Jenkins freestyle project
  • Creating Jenkins pipeline project
  • What is Github Action?
  • Components of GitHub Action: Workflows, Jobs, Steps
  • Creating and running workflows
  • Github Action triggers
  • Github token
  • Integration with docker, AWS

# Week 4 - Container Management

  • What is container orchestration?
  • What is Kubernetes?
  • Alternatives of Kubernetes
  • Architecture of Kubernetes
  • What are Pods and services?
  • What are namespaces and how to create them?
  • Multi Containers in single pod
  • What is replica set, replica controller, deployment? How to create them?
  • How to scale container app? How to make highly available and self-healing app?
  • Different types of Deployment
  • Configmap, secrets
  • Networking
  • Liveness and readiness prob
  • Kubernetes volume

# Week 5 - Cloud Services

  • What is Cloud? Fundamentals of cloud
  • Advantages of cloud
  • What is AWS? Services offered by AWS
  • AWS alternatives
  • AWS S3: creating and accessing bucket, static website, versioning, storage classes, bucket policy
  • AWS IAM: Users, groups, policies, roles,
  • AWS EC2: Basic, instance types, security groups
  • AWS Containers: ECR, ECS and Fargate
  • AWS Devops: Code Commit, Code Build, Code Deploy, Code Pipeline, Codestar, cloud9, Cloudshell

# Week 6 - Infrastructure as Code

  • What is Infrastructure as code?
  • What is Terraform? Why Terraform?
  • What is HCL (HashiCorp Configuration Language)? Basics of HCL
  • Terraform Providers
  • Terraform with AWS
  • Terraform Variables, states, Resource Dependencies
  • Terraform Lifecycle
  • Terraform Modules, Functions, Conditional Expressions

# Week 7 - Monitoring

  • Why do we need monitoring tool?
  • What is Prometheus and Grafana?
  • Architecture of Prometheus
  • How Prometheus works
  • PromQL
  • Prometheus Exporters
  • What are Alerting Rules, Recording Rules?
  • Creating custom dashboard using Grafana

# Week 8 - Project

  • Devops pipeline with AWS
  • CI/CD pipeline with github action and jenkins
  • Deploying a Containerized Web Application using docker
  • Deploying Application Using Kubernetes
  • Deploy AWS services using Terraform
  • Deploying Application Using AWS ECR, ECS and Fargate