
Powershell script used for the creation of NAV translation files

Primary LanguagePowerShellMIT LicenseMIT

NAV translation script

Powershell script used for the creation of NAV translation files. This enables you to keep track of all of the translations directly in the AL code.


Make sure to enable the translation feature in app.json

    "features": [ "TranslationFile"],

Add translations in AL code by using a comment:

Caption = 'English',
    Comment = '[NLD = Dutch][NLB = Dutch Belguim]';

⚠️ Brackets ('[' and ']') are not allowed in the translations as they (probably) break the regex that is used.

Run the script after compiling with .\create_translations.ps1.


Parameter Explaination Default
Path Location of the translation file (.g.xlf) ./Translations
Languages Array with languages to translate. Format is the same as the old CaptionML languages NLD
Targets Array with iso language codes. Must be equal in length as Languages parameter nl-NL
CheckForError Throws error if not all texts in the translation file have a translation 1
OverwriteFiles Overwrite existing translation files 1