
Advanced FC templates

Primary LanguagePHP


##What is this?##

Lyquix has been using FLEXIcontent since 2010 and we have developed countless custom templates for FLEXIcontent. In our experience the template structure provides great flexibility to generate categories and items exactly how we need them. However, it also requires a lot of code writing.

The purpose of the Lyquix FLEXIcontent template is to allow us to deploy highly-customized templated, without having to rewrite a lot of PHP code. The json template can be used to provide a simple API for external systems to read content published using FLEXIcontent.

##Who is this for?##

These templates are for advanced developers only. Don't expect to install it and see something pretty right away. They require a lot of configuration but provide you a high level of customization.


  • Provides a select2 sortable field for defining what parts of the category should be included and in what order (description, image, subcategories, buttons, filters, items, pagination...)
  • Allows to override the category title
  • Select alignment of category image
  • Override heading label for filters, alpha-index, subcategories and items section
  • Add custom CSS classes for sub-categories and itemss (UL and LI tags), and for field positions
  • Add custom HTML at the beginning and end of each section, and at the beginning and end of each item
  • Sub-categories
    • Select tag for sub-category titles
    • Set sub-category image alignment
    • Option to display sub-category items and to and choose whether to exclude them from main item lists
  • Map
    • Control Google map dimensions and controls
    • Render pins on map using lat/lon coordinates from AddressInt field
    • Include item information in map bubbles
  • Item lists
    • Ability to separate featured items in a separate list (UL)
    • Control whether the "No Items Found" label should be displayed, and what text to use
    • Select the tag for items title *
    • Select field to be used as title string
    • Select field to be used as description string
    • Select field to be used for image, and set custom image dimensions and alignment *
    • Custom date format *
    • Custom label for read more button
    • Custom "written by" label for author field *
    • Option to insert AddThis bar in category and item views
    • Option to insert Disqus comment count in category view
  • Customize rendering of fields
  • Use field values to add as CSS classes
  • JSON template can be used as a simple API to feed external systems, javascript code, or mobile apps
  • One-click update

(*) While many of these customizations are available directly on the fields settings, having them on the template allow to set them on a category- and type-level.


One of the most practical features of the FLEXIcontent templating system is the ability to drag-and-drop fields into pre-defined positions. The Lyquix template provides 7 positions plus render-only both in the category and item templates. In our experience, 7 positions provide enough room for the most complex layouts and designs.

It is possible to add CSS classes to each position for styling purposes.

In the future we want to add the option to group some of the position DIVs in order to allow for even more complex layouts.

##File Structure and Mechanics of the Template##

The template is structured in two directories: lyquix and custom.

The **lyquix** directory contains the common code. You should not use this template with categories or content types.

The **custom** directory contains the base files for your custom templates. You can assign this template directly to categories and types, but it is not recommended. Instead make copies of this template for your project. For example: custom-services, custom-people, etc.

In your custom directories you will find the typical files:


Do not modify these files! They are overwritten when the template is updated. If you open the XML files you can find all the fields that we have created to make it easy to configure the template. The PHP files are very simple and they only perform the following functions:

  1. Load category-custom.php and item-custom.php if they exist - these files contain customizations for field display and CSS classes (described later)
  2. Load the main category.php and item.php files found in the lyquix folder

###Category View###

The file category.php in the lyquix folder is quite simple too. It loads the file functions.php that defines a private class with several functions.

In the case of the category view the layout can be fully customized to a specific order. The various sections: title, buttons, filters, alpha-index, image, description, map, sub categories, items and pagination can be enabled, disabled and sorted via the Joomla backend. Additionally, these sections can be wrapped by additional DIVs to provide the necessary structure for your design.

Each section of the category has a corresponding function in functions.php that takes care of rendering it. If you inspect the file you will see that have take care of making our naming convention consistent so that we can reuse code as much as possible.

###Item View###

There aren't as many features for the item view as for the category view.

The file item.php is similar to the category counterpart. It loads the file functions.php that provide the function for rendering fields. It is possible to define where to load the sharing buttons, and specify custom CSS classes for the field positions.

##Custom Field Display##

The template allows to define how fields should be rendered. This feature is available for category and item views. This is implemented by adding files category-custom.php and item-custom.php in your template folder that are loaded only if they exist.

The way this work is, as the fields are rendered in their positions, the code will attempt to get the custom rendering first, and if there is no output, it uses the default rendering.

To enable custom field rendering you need to add the file category-custom.php and/or item-custom.php in your template folder (for example: custom-services). In both cases you need to define the class lyquixFlexicontentTmplCustom. In the case of category you need to define the functions customItemClass and customFieldRendering. The first one is used for adding custom CSS class to the LI element for the item based on field values (explained below), and the other is for custom field rendering.

Sample category-custom.php:


defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

class lyquixFlexicontentTmplCustom {
	function customItemClass(&$item, $group) {
		$css = array();
		/* your custom code here
		 * use $item->fields['field_name'] to get the field value, properties and display
		 * add your classes to the array $css using $css[] = 'myclass'
		return implode(' ', $css);
	function customFieldRendering(&$item, &$field, $group) {
		$html = '';
		switch ($field->name) {
			case 'field_name':
				// your custom code for field_name here
		return $html;
	function customSectionRendering($section) {
		$html = '';

	        switch ($section) {
	            case 'renderCatTitle': // use same name as in functions.php
        	        // your custom code for field_name here

		return $html;

Sample item-custom.php:


defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');

class lyquixFlexicontentTmplCustom {
	function customFieldRendering(&$item, &$field) {
		$html = '';
		switch ($field->name) {
			case 'field_name':
				// your custom code for field_name here
		return $html;

The variable $group is used to identify what list of items is currently being generated: introitems, leading, featured or map. You can modify the functions as you see fit for your project, as long as you accept the same parameters, and out a CSS class string for customItemClass and HTML code for customFieldRendering.

##One-click Update##

Run the script lyquix/update.php to get your template updated. This downloads the latest version of this template from this repository and updates all your files, including all the custom- templates you have created by copying the custom template. Be aware that if you have modified any of the files included in this repo, they will be overwritten by this operation.


  • json template