POST /papers: Creates a new sample paper from JSON input (validated by your Pydantic models). Returns the created paper's ID.
GET /papers/{paper_id}: Retrieves a sample paper by ID. Returns the JSON representation and cached the response in Redis.
PUT /papers/{paper_id}: Updates an existing sample paper (partial updates supported).
DELETE /papers/{paper_id}: Deletes a sample paper.
POST /extract/pdf: Accepts a PDF file upload. Uses Gemini to extract information and convert it to the sample paper JSON format.
POST /extract/text: Accepts plain text input. Uses Gemini to extract information and convert it to the sample paper JSON format.
GET /tasks/{task_id}: Checks the status of a PDF extraction task.
- JWT Authentication (Private Routes Protection)
- Rate Limiting (10req/m)
- Celery for Asynchronous tasks
- Search Functionality: Full-text search capabilities on the question and answer fields.
- Postman API Docs
- Test Data is available in /seed folder
- Download Docker https://www.docker.com
- Execute these cmds inside project root directory
- docker compose up
- pip install -r requirements.txt
- fastapi dev main.py
- celery -A worker worker --loglevel=info
- You need to register an account in order to use the API.
- Your bearer auth token will be valid for 1 day
- API Examples are available in Postman Collection