
Neural Networks from scratch using Numpy !

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Neural Network with Custom Implementation in Python

A Simple Neural Network Library for Multi-Layer Perceptron (MLP) using NumPy

This project stems from my curiosity and passion for translating mathematical equations into practical applications. Inspired by resources such as The Independent Code, Andrew Ng's Machine Learning course, StatQuest, and 3Blue1Brown. The implementation utilizes NumPy , providing a straightforward look into the workings of a multi-layer perceptron. (No Libraries used !)

check out math here : Neural Network Math by Rohan Dhiman

  • Import Libraries: Import NumPy, Keras for MNIST, and Matplotlib.

  • Define Dense Class: Custom class for a fully connected layer with random weights and biases.

  • Define Activation Class: Encapsulation of activation functions for forward and backward propagation.

  • Implement Tanh Activation: Subclass of Activation for the tanh activation function.

  • Define Loss Functions: MSE and its derivative for error calculation.

  • Implement Predict Function: Function for predicting output by forward propagation through network layers.

  • Implement Training Function: Train the neural network by iterating epochs, calculating error, and updating weightsgradient descent.

  • Preprocess Data: Reshape, normalize, and convert labels for data preprocessing.

  • Loading and Preprocessing MNIST Dataset: Load and preprocess MNIST training and testing data.

  • Initialize and Train Neural Network: Create and train the neural network with specified layers.

  • Test and Visualize Results: Iterate through the test dataset, make predictions, and visualize with Matplotlib.

Dense Layer

Dense Class


class Dense():
    def __init__(self, i, j):
        Initialize the Dense layer with random weights and biases.

        - i (int): Number of input neurons.
        - j (int): Number of output neurons.

        - weights (numpy array): Randomly initialized weights.
        - biases (numpy array): Randomly initialized biases.
        self.weights = np.random.randn(j, i)
        self.biases = np.random.randn(j, 1)

The Dense class is initialized with two parameters i and j, representing the number of input and output neurons, respectively. It initializes weights and biases with random values using NumPy's randn function.

Forward Propagation

class Dense():
   def forward_propagation(self, inpx):
    Perform forward propagation through the Dense layer.

    - inpx (numpy array): Input to the Dense layer.

    - numpy array: Output of the Dense layer after   applying     weights, biases, and activation.
    self.inpx = inpx
    return np.dot(self.weights, self.inpx) + self.biases

The forward_propagation method takes an input (inpx) and computes the output by performing a dot product of `weights and input, adding biases .

Backward Propagation

def backward_propagation(self, DelE_DelY, alpha):
    Perform backward propagation through the Dense layer.

    - DelE_DelY (numpy array): Gradient of the error with respect to the output.
    - alpha (float): Learning rate for weight and bias updates.

    - numpy array: Gradient of the error with respect to the input.
    DelE_DelW = np.matmul(DelE_DelY, self.inpx.T)
    DelE_DelX = np.matmul(self.weights.T, DelE_DelY)
    self.weights -= alpha * DelE_DelW
    self.biases -= alpha * DelE_DelY
    return DelE_DelX

For backward_propagation, it takes the derivative of the error with respect to the output (DelE_DelY) and the learning rate (alpha). It calculates the derivative of the error with respect to the weights (DelE_DelW) and the input (DelE_DelX), updates the weights and biases, and returns the derivative of the error with respect to the input.


The Activation class in the provided code serves as a foundation for implementing activation functions in neural networks. It is designed to encapsulate both the activation function and its derivative for forward and backward propagation, respectively.

Activation Class


def __init__(self, act, act_prime):
    Initialize the Activation class with activation functions.

    - act (function): Activation function.
    - act_prime (function): Derivative of the activation function.

    - act (function): Activation function.
    - prime (function): Derivative of the activation function.
    self.act = act
    self.prime = act_prime

The Activation class is initialized with two functions: act representing the activation function and act_prime representing its derivative.

Forward Propagation

def forward_propagation(self, inpx):
    Perform forward propagation through the Activation layer.

    - inpx (numpy array): Input to the Activation layer.

    - numpy array: Output of the Activation layer after applying the activation function.
    self.inpx = inpx
    return self.act(self.inpx)

The forward_propagation method takes an input (inpx) and computes the output using the specified activation function.

Backward Propagation

def backward_propagation(self, DelE_DelY, alpha):
    Perform backward propagation through the Activation layer.

    - DelE_DelY (numpy array): Gradient of the error with respect to the output.
    - alpha (float): Learning rate for weight and bias updates.

    - numpy array: Gradient of the error with respect to the input.
return DelE_DelY * self.prime(self.inpx)

Tanh Class (Subclass of Activation)

The Tanh class is a specific implementation of the Activation class, using the hyperbolic tangent (tanh) activation function.

def __init__(self):
    Initialize the Tanh class as a specific implementation of the Activation class with tanh activation.

    - act (function): Tanh activation function.
    - prime (function): Derivative of the tanh activation function.
    def tanh(x):
        return np.tanh(x)

    def tanh_prime(x):
        return 1 - np.tanh(x) ** 2

    super().__init__(tanh, tanh_prime)

In the Tanh class, the __init__ method initializes the superclass (Activation) with the tanh activation function and its derivative.

Loss Function : Mean Squared Error (MSE)

The provided code defines two functions related to Mean Squared Error (MSE). This documentation outlines the purpose and usage of the mse and mse_prime functions.

mse Function

def mse(y_true, y_pred):
    Calculate the mean squared error between true values and predicted values.

    - y_true (numpy array): True values.
    - y_pred (numpy array): Predicted values.

    - float: Mean squared error.
    return np.sum(np.mean((y_pred - y_true) ** 2))

The mse function calculates the mean squared error between the true values (y_true) and the predicted values (y_pred). It computes the squared difference between each corresponding pair of true and predicted values, takes the mean across all pairs, and then sums up these mean values. The function returns a single float value representing the mean squared error.

mse_prime Function

def mse_prime(y_true, y_pred):
    Calculate the derivative of mean squared error with respect to predicted values.
    - y_true (numpy array): True values.
    - y_pred (numpy array): Predicted values.

    - numpy array: Output gradient for the last layer.
    return 2 * (y_pred - y_true) / y_true.shape[0]

The mse_prime function calculates the derivative of mean squared error with respect to the predicted values (y_pred). It returns a numpy array representing the output gradient for the last layer of a neural network. This gradient is used during the backpropagation process for updating the parameters of the last layer.

Data Preprocessing

def preprocess_data(x, y, limit):
    Preprocess input data and labels for training or testing.

    - x (numpy array): Input data.
    - y (numpy array): Labels.
    - limit (int): Limit on the number of samples to preprocess.

    - Tuple (x_processed, y_processed): Processed input data and labels.
    x = x.reshape(x.shape[0], 784, 1)  # Reshape input data to (number of samples, 784, 1)
    x = x.astype("float32") / 255  # Normalize input data to the range [0, 1]
    y = to_categorical(y)  # Convert labels to one-hot encoding
    y = y.reshape(y.shape[0], 10, 1)  # Reshape labels to (number of samples, 10, 1)

    return x[:limit], y[:limit]

This function preprocesses input data (x) and labels (y) for training or testing. It reshapes the input data, normalizes it, converts labels to one-hot encoding, and returns a tuple containing the processed input data (x_processed) and labels (y_processed).

Example Usage:

x_processed, y_processed = preprocess_data(x_train, y_train, 5000)


def predict(network, inpx):
    Perform forward propagation through the entire neural network to make predictions.

    - network (list): List of layers forming the neural network.
    - inpx (numpy array): Input data for prediction.

    - numpy array: Output prediction of the neural network.
    output = inpx
    for layer in network:
        output = layer.forward_propagation(output)
    return output

The predict function takes a neural network (network) and an input dataset (inpx). It iterates through each layer in the neural network, applying forward propagation to compute the final output prediction. The function returns the output prediction as a NumPy array.


def train(network, loss, loss_prime, x_train, y_train, count=100, learning_rate=0.1):
    Train the neural network using backpropagation.

    - network (list): List of layers forming the neural network.
    - loss (function): Loss function used for training.
    - loss_prime (function): Derivative of the loss function.
    - x_train (numpy array): Input training data.
    - y_train (numpy array): True labels for training data.
    - count (int): Number of training epochs (default is 100).
    - learning_rate (float): Learning rate for weight and bias updates (default is 0.1).

    for e in range(count):
        error = 0
        for x, y in zip(x_train, y_train):
            output = predict(network, x)
            error += loss(y, output)
            grad = loss_prime(y, output)

            for layer in reversed(network):
                grad = layer.backward_propagation(grad, learning_rate)
        print(f"{e + 1}/{count}, error={error}")

The train function is responsible for training a neural network through a specified number of epochs (count) using backpropagation. It takes the neural network layers (network), a loss function (loss), the derivative of the loss function (loss_prime), input training data (x_train), true labels (y_train), and optional parameters for the number of epochs and learning rate. The function iteratively updates the network's weights and biases to minimize the error between predicted and true values.

Example Usage:

train(my_neural_network, mse, mse_prime, training_data, true_labels, count=200, learning_rate=0.01)


for x, y in zip(x_test, y_test):
    output = predict(network, x)
    print('Predicted Label:', np.argmax(output))

This code snippet iterates through the test dataset (x_test and y_test), makes predictions using the predict function with the specified neural network (network), and prints the predicted label. The np.argmax(output) is used to find the index of the maximum value in the output array, representing the predicted label.

Example Usage:

for x, y in zip(x_test, y_test):
    output = predict(my_neural_network, x)
    print('Predicted Label:', np.argmax(output))

Visualization of Test Results

plt.imshow(x.reshape(28, 28), cmap='gray')
plt.title('Actual Label: {}'.format(np.argmax(y)))

Example Usage:

# Assuming 'x' is an image from the test dataset and 'y' is the corresponding true label.
plt.imshow(x.reshape(28, 28), cmap='gray')
plt.title('Actual Label: {}'.format(np.argmax(y)))
