SPPU Computer Engineering Codes - SPOS (System Programming and Operating System Programs)

Primary LanguageC


System Programming and Operating System Programs

This page contains the list of practicals for SPOS


  1. PassOne Assembler
    (Design suitable data structures and implement pass-I of a two-pass assembler for pseudo-machine in Java using object-oriented feature. Implementation should consist of a few instructions from each category and few assembler directives.)

  2. PassTwo Assembler
    (Implement Pass-II of a two-pass assembler for pseudo-machine in Java using object-oriented features. The output of assignment-1 (intermediate file and symbol table) should be input for this assignment)

  3. PassOne MacroProcessor
    (Design suitable data structures and implement pass-I of a two-pass macro-processor using OOP features in Java)

  4. PassTwo MacroProcessor
    (Write a Java program for pass-II of a two-pass macro-processor. The output of assignment-3 (MNT, MDT, and file without any macro definitions) should be input for this assignment)


  1. DLL Program
    (Write a program to create Dynamic Link Library for any mathematical operation and write an application program to test it. [Java Native Interface / Use VB or VC++])

  2. LEX Java Subset Prgram
    (Write a program using Lex specifications to implement lexical analysis phase of the compiler to generate tokens of subset of ̳Java program.)

  3. LEX File Stats Program
    (Write a program using Lex specifications to implement lexical analysis phase of the compiler to count no. of words, lines, and characters of the given input file.)

  4. Yacc Program Java Variable Declaration Syntax validation
    (Write a program using YACC specifications to implement the syntax analysis phase of the compiler to validate type and syntax of variable declaration in Java.)

  5. YACC Program for sentence recognization
    (Write a program using YACC specifications to implement syntax analysis phase of compiler to recognize simple and compound sentences given in input file.)


  1. Scheduling Algorithms
    Write a Java program using OOP features to implement the following scheduling algorithms:
  • FCFS
  • SJF (Preemptive)
  • Priority (Non-Preemptive)
  • Round Robin (Preemptive)
  1. Banker's Algorithm
    Write a java program to implement Banker's Algorithm.

  2. UNIX System Calls Implmentation
    Implement UNIX system calls like ps, fork, join, exec family, and wait for process management (use shell script/ Java/ C programming).

Group D

  1. Page Replacement Algorithms
    Write a Java Program (using OOP features) to implement paging simulation using:
  • FIFO
  • Least Recently Used (LRU)
  • Optimal algorithm