#Aircrunch - Effortless WPA/2 Cracking A tool to pause and resume aircrack-ng when passed with crunch or a wordlist.
- Pause/Resume WPA/2 cracking process
- Integrated Crunch support
- SSID Validation before cracking
- Password saved in a file when cracked
- Free and Open-source
- Aircrack-ng
- Crunch
- Tshark
- Pcap file
- Wordlist (optional)
##Usage ./aircrunch -c <.Cap file> -e -w [Wordlist] [crunch]
##Install aircrunch
Execute: ./aircrunch -i
root@rs:~/# ./aircrunch -i
(!) Aircrunch installed successfully
Check Install location: $ which aircrunch
##Learn aircrunch We have written an article dedicated to aircrunch.
Get your hand's on here: http://www.rootsh3ll.com/2016/04/aircrunch/
##Contact Developer: sushant@rootsh3ll.com
Site-Admin: harry@rootsh3ll.com, iamrootsh3ll@gmail.com