
This application is a Webservice(Restful Api) for online cab booking management system . In this application customer can book the trip then admin can assign the trip to a particular driver and the driver will complete the trip booking.

Primary LanguageJava



CabWay(Online Cab Booking System)

This application is a REST API for an Online Cab Booking Management System.Using this web service a customer can book a trip, an admin can assign a driver to a particular trip, and a driver can complete the trip. All these CRUD operations require validation on each step.

Tech Stacks

  • Spring Boot
  • Spring Framework
  • Spring Data JPA
  • MySQL
  • Hibernate
  • Java
  • Layered Architechture
  • Swagger UI
  • Lombok
  • Postman


  • Login Module
  • Admin Module
  • Customer Module
  • Driver Module
  • Trip Booking Module


  • Common Functionalities :- Login, Logout and registration to the system.
  • Admin Functionalities :-
    • Administrator Role of the entire application
    • Only registered admins with valid session token can add/update/delete driver or customer from main database
    • Admin can access the details of different customers, drivers and trip bookings
    • Admin can assign a driver to a particular trip.
  • Customer Functionalities :-
    • Registering themselves with application, and logging in to get the valid session token
    • Book a trip.
    • Access his trip history, profile updation, update trip details.
    • Rate a driver.
  • Driver Functionalities :-
    • Driver can login, update his profile.
    • Driver can update their cab details
    • Check trips assigned to him.
    • Can generate a bill.


Book Cab ER Diagram

Installation & Run

  • Before running the API server, you have to update the database configuration inside the application.properties file
  • Update the port number, username and password as per your local database configuration


API Root Endpoint



API Module Endpoints

Admin Module

  • POST /admins :- Register admin

  • `PUT /admins :- Update admin details.

  • PUT /admins/tripbooking/bill/{cid} :- Generate a bill for a trip.

  • PUT /admin/updateTripBooking/{userId} :- Update trip status to completed or cancelled.

  • GET /admins/viewCabByType/{carType} :- View cabs of particular type.

  • GET /admins/tripbookings/datewise/{date} :- View all trips for a particular day.

  • GET /admins/tripbookings/datewise/{cid}/{sdate}/{edate} :- Check all trips for a particular date range.

  • GET /admins/driver/{driverId} :- Check a driver with driver id.

  • GET /admins/customers :- Check all customers in the database.

  • GET /admins/customers/tripbookings :- Check all trips.

  • GET /admins/customer/{cid} :- Check a particular customer

  • GET /admins/customer/tripbookings/{cid} :- Check all trips of a particular customer.

  • GET /admins/countCabsOfType/{carType} :- Count cabs of a particular type.

  • GET /admins/bestdrivers :- Check drivers with rating over 4.5.

  • DELETE /admins/{aid} :- Delete an admin.

  • DELETE /admins/deletetripBooking/{tbid}/{uid} :- Delete trip if status is completed or cancelled.

  • DELETE /admins/deleteDriver/{driverId} :- Delete a driver from the system.

Customer Module

  • POST /customer :- Register a customer.

  • PUT /updateCustomer :- Update customer details.

  • POST /customers/tripBook/{cid} :- Book a trip.

  • PUT /customer/updateTripBooking/{userId} :- Update trip booking details.

  • PUT /customer/ratedriver :- Rate a driver.

  • GET /validateCustomer :- Validate himself.

  • GET /customers/{customerId} :- Get his details

  • GET /customer/tripbookings/{cid} :- Get trips history.

  • DELETE /deleteCustomer/{customerId} :- Delete his account.

Driver Module

  • POST /driver :- Register a driver.

  • PUT /updateDriver :- Update his details.

  • PUT /drivers/updateCab :- Update cab details.

  • PUT /driver/updateTripBooking/{userId} :- Mark trip as completed or cancelled.

  • PUT /driver/tripbooking/bill/{customerid} :- Generate bill.

  • GET /driver/{driverId} :- Get his details.

  • DELETE /deleteDriver/{driverId} :- Delete his account.

Login Module

  • `POST /login :- Login to the system, get uuid.

  • DELETE /logout :- Logout of the system.

Book a Trip

AdminController CustomerController

Driver module LoginController

This project is developed by team of 3 Java Back-End Developers during construct week at Masai School


For any feedback, report, suggestions, you can contact with anyone of the team members.