
A project handcrafted to learn Nodejs.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Now that's delicious

An open, extensible, platform for business owners and their customers.
Try out Now that's delicious hosted version at www.now-that-s-delicious.herokuapp.com.



Now that's delicious requires the following dependencies:

Local Development

For contributing features and fixes you can quickly get an environment running using Docker by following these steps:

  1. Install these dependencies if you don't already have them
  2. Node.js (v12 LTS preferred)
  3. Npm
  4. MongoDB
  5. Clone this repo
  6. Register an app at Google Cloud console and get an api key
  7. Copy the file .env.sample to .env
  8. Fill out the following fields:
    1. SECRET_KEY (follow instructions in the comments at the top of .env)
    2. KEY (this is the key used to access data from Mongodb store)
    3. MAP_KEY (Google Maps API key)
  9. Run npm install, this wil download dependencies.
  10. Run npm run dev to run the server in development mode.


Now that's delicious was built to learn Nodejs. I am not accepting any contributions, feel free to fork this repository and use this however you want.