
The capstone project of my Front-End Nanodegree from Udacity.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Travel App

We all do travelling at some point in our life. This application helps you to manage your travel details . It will look for the Boarding city, Destination City, Date. It will show the expected whether of the destition station on the travel date.

APIs Used

  1. Pixabay
  2. GeoNames
  3. WeatherBit

Architecture of the Project

- Root:
  - `package.json`
  - `readme.md`
  - `webpack.dev.js`
  - `webpack.prod.js`
  - src folder
    - server folder
      - `server.js` 
      - `app.js` 
    - client folder
      - `index.js`
      - html/views folder
        - img
          - `background.png`
          - `earth.svg`
        - `index.html`
      - js folder
        - `app.js` 
        - `handleSubmit.js` 
      - styles folder
        - `style.scss` 
        - `footer.scss` 
        - `header.scss` 
        - `reset.scss` 


    npm run build-dev
    npm run build-prod
    npm start


Screenshot from 2020-05-18 23-36-15

Screenshot from 2020-05-18 23-36-23

Screenshot from 2020-05-18 23-36-47


  1. Initial Inspiration
  2. Background
  3. Icons