- 20
Can't see the Plugin on MAC
#150 opened by alexholzreiter - 1
AV1 support
#127 opened by God-damnit-all - 5
Not visible in Windows, Mac, and Ubuntu
#185 opened by CyberCyclone - 1
Plugin not visible in menu on Ubuntu
#191 opened by JohnTocher - 1
#187 opened by wrench1997 - 3
Can't see rtsp server plugin
#145 opened by JavierSanchezCastro - 0
- 0
RTSP-SERVER On ARM for Raspberry Pi
#188 opened by Danucosukosuko - 5
there's only localhost
#136 opened by ilpiruz - 3
initialize encoders error
#152 opened by houd1ni - 5
no connection to rtsp other then from localhost.
#110 opened by XxTWMLxX - 0
rtmp:// can not work
#184 opened by HarryWords - 3
Bug: 无法开始数据捕获(can't begin data capture)
#154 opened by Radium-bit - 0
我发现,如果不选音轨,就会提示 “无法开始数据捕获” ,选择音轨后就正常了
#166 opened by iamscottxu - 5
- 4
Hardware encoding doesn't work
#153 opened by aWZHY0yQH81uOYvH - 1
obs-rtspserver v2.3.0-rc7 编译不通过
#149 opened by 549869500 - 3
V3.0.0-beta3 windows Nvidia nvenc broken
#128 opened by theofficialgman - 0
Credentials don't seem to work
#151 opened by C-Series - 0
"Cannot initialize codec" when rescaling output resolution to different aspect ratio
#148 opened by kleinesfilmroellchen - 1
Bitrate problem
#146 opened by JustMeWho - 0
- 10
rtsp with H.264 support export format
#130 opened by brusezot - 0
using with gstreamer as a decoder
#77 opened by Tinwelint78 - 4
Not compatible with OBS 29
#140 opened by brusezot - 1
How to decrease the latency?
#114 opened by xiaohaoxiang - 1
macOS 12.4 / OBS 27.2.4 . RTSP 2.2.1
#113 opened by brusezot - 3
- 2
是否计划支持obs 28.0 版本
#117 opened by yhuan416 - 1
It's not recognized by OBS
#131 opened by tormyvancool - 2
v3.0.0-beta1 and OBS 28.0.2 does not appear to set up the RTSP stream correctly (Linux)
#125 opened by X-m7 - 2
v3.0.0-beta3 and OBS 28.0.3 on MacOS 12.6 (M1) does not appear to set up the RTSP on tools
#126 opened by pbloomfield - 5
Plugin failed to load
#134 opened by iTzVirtual00 - 2
- 1
- 1
HEVC/x265 output not working
#124 opened by God-damnit-all - 0
- 3
Plugin Load Error
#122 opened by didasy - 0
Can't begin data capture
#115 opened by Lepidos - 0
Don't know how build standalone (linux)
#112 opened by Lepidos - 2
Stream is only multicast in 2.2
#106 opened by weiserhei - 1
V2.2.0 doesn't work, 2.1.2 works
#105 opened by sumire608 - 1
some errors 500 in the beginning
#82 opened by Barabba11 - 0
- 1
RTSP always binds to localhost
#81 opened by Traace - 1
Linux Install QT Dependency
#94 opened by tlivesay - 1
Installer infected with malware?
#95 opened by iticory - 1
#92 opened by iesv - 6
2.10 failed today to work
#79 opened by Barabba11 - 12
Bitrate doesn't exceed 2800 kbps
#75 opened by dam034