
CP nahi ho rahi toh yahi sahi. Scripts to make your life easier and also to help you *not* forget deadlines and PPTs. Works on Apple Calendar only

Primary LanguagePython

Steps to run

  • Install the dependencies using the the pip command
  • You will need chromdriver to run the application using selenium. Download here
  • Make sure you edit the chrome driver path in both the scripts.
  • You will also need to edit the Google Profile Path. Example path mentioned in the scripts
  • Because of captcha, you will first need to login to OCS. To do this run the script with any args(like literally any)
  • Then run the script without any args and you should see events getting added to your apple calendar.

Installing Dependencies

pip install -r requirements.txt

Running the scripts

python3 create_event.py 10
python3 ceate_event.py

python3 apply_deadlines.py 10
python3 apply_deadlines.py

Recommended Directory Structure


Example Output

After running the command, your calendar should look like this:

Screenshot 2024-09-25 at 7 00 16 PM